
Shimauchi Preschool


Savanna Environmentalists!


Savanna had a great time presenting their projects to their friends. Each group worked very hard to prepare their presentations. All of them worked together very well.今週サバンナクラスではお互いのプロジェクトのプレゼンをしました。各グループ、一生懸命これまで準備を進めてきました。全員がとても上手に発表ができました。[envira-gallery id=”101114″]

The students all watched their presentations on Friday and reflected on how they did. All the students saw what they did well and what needs more work. We all decided as a class that they want to share their presentations during open school day. We discussed what we need to do and everyone agreed that they want to practice more so that they are ready for open school day. They are very excited and can’t wait for everyone to see what they have done.金曜日には、全員のプレゼンをスクリーンで観ました。何が良くできて、何にもう少し努力するべきであったかを話し合いました。そして、来月の参観日にこのプレゼンをもう一度行うと決めました。そのためには、もっと練習を積み、参観日にしっかりと発表ができるようにしたい、と同意してくれました。

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to sharing our presentations with you during open school day!良い週末をお過ごしください。そして皆様に参観日にプレゼンをお見せすることを楽しみにしています!

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