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What an eventful week it has been in Grade 6!✨

The students explored human cells and organ systems, spending more time learning about our and animal skin. On Thursday, we went to the city and enjoyed a concert of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 on various instruments. Everyone’s favorite part was the ramen lunch we had on that day, so we even wrote stories about it. 🌻

Hello everyone and welcome to the first Grade 6 blog of the year!

This week, the students continued inquiring into Human Anatomy, as part of our third Unit of Inquiry of the year, following the Transdisciplinary Theme of “Who We Are” and the Central Idea of “Learning about the functions of our bodies is an essential step towards understanding ourselves.” We started the Unit by inquiring into the human cell, as the smallest “living” thing that makes up human life. Did you know that the human body contains about 75 trillion cells? 

We learned that the human body is composed of 12 different body systems and we will spend the next two weeks further inquiring into each of them separately. We started with the Integumentary system (our skin) and the students compared animal and human skin, leading them to important conclusions about the function of our own skin: it protects us, it regulates our temperature and it gives us the sense of touch.

On Thursday, the students had a chance to enjoy a classical music concert prepared for all grade 6 students in Matsumoto as part of the Seiji Ozawa Music Festival. We saw an orchestra composed of musicians from Hokkaido and Taiwan perform Ludwing van Beethoven’s Symphony No.5, which tells a story of finding optimism and hope after difficult times. We also got to learn about the differences between various instruments. 🎵

After the concert, the students got to choose the restaurant they wanted to have their lunch at. We picked a local Chinese noodle restaurant and the students seemed to really enjoy the yummy lunch and the time they got to spend with their friends. They were also able to use their own pocket money and order food on their own, which surely helped with their confidence and self-management skills. 🍜

This week, the parents will receive the UOI information sheets about the current Unit. Hopefully these will give you some more insight into the learning we will be doing.

Have a great weekend! 🌞






今週、生徒たちは今年度3つ目の探究のユニットとして、”Who We Are 私たちは誰なのか “という教科の枠を超えたテーマと “Learning about the functions of our body is an essential step towards understanding ourselves 体の構造について知ることは自分自身を理解するための重要なステップである。”というセントラルアイデアに沿って、人の体の仕組みの探究を続けました。




木曜日には、セイジ・オザワ 松本フェスティバルの一環として、松本市の全6年生を対象に用意されたクラシック音楽のコンサートを楽しむ機会がありました。



今週、保護者の方にはこのユニット3に関する お知らせをいたしました。是非目を通していただいて、私たちがこれから行う学習についてより深くご理解いただけると幸いです。


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