
Gojo campus


Grade 2🎨Unit 3🎨Societal Decision Making


The last two weeks of this unit was designed for an assessment test. To measures students understanding about the topic, we did a diorama of an ideal community, posters for an environment awareness, signages for school facilities, slides for societal decision making and debate for strengthening their cognitive skill. About the diorama, we did mini house, hospital, police station, market, café, dog house, and park by group. It will strengthen their thinking, social and self-management skills. About Poster and signage making they made “Don’t break things in school, Don’t break the glass, Don’t hit each other, Plant more vegetables, Organize your classroom, Please wear your mask, Wash your hands to be clean, Pick-up the trash to make the school clean for everyone’s awareness and pasted it all over the school. In Debate, we shared our knowledge about the topic to everyone and we expressed ourselves freely in front of the class. The best practice in our debate was everyone had a given a chance to speak without any influence of other people.

このUnitをGrade 2の生徒たちが、どのように理解したのか❔を確認しました。




TOP / 五常小学部 / G2 / Grade 2🎨Unit 3🎨Societal Decision Making