
Gojo Elementary School


G3’s narrative story

Greetings everyone! Scary hours are over and we’re back to normal scheduling. Last week Friday we enjoyed a tremendous, and fun filled Halloween Party with the students in imaginative, out of this world costumes. It was no trick, a proper treat for the students who enjoyed some snacks and a movie along the way.

Grade 3の活動を紹介いたします!
Monday was also a good way to get back into the thick of things. We started the week off with the continuation of the 2nd Line Of Inquiry. This focused on narrative writing as an important part of our unit. This will be the last topic before the Christmas performance, because story telling is linked to the Christmas Performance. Hopefully the students can get the chance to write some of their own lines to the script.

現在のUnitに重要な、Narrative writing。12月のPerformance Dayにもつながっていきます。

This week, we focused on the ‘Wh-‘ questions (What? When? Where? Why? Who? How?) as these are key in detailing any story and gives a clear picture to the reader, of the story and its contents. We read a story and the students were tasked with identifying the ‘Wh-‘ questions within the story which the students completed with aplomb.

今週は、’Wh-‘ questions (What? When? Where? Why? Who? How?) Whから始まる質問の仕方について学んでいます。物語を読む際に、このWhから始まる質問がどのように使用されているのかなど考えます。

Another aspect of story telling is getting the sequence of an event as accurately as possible. The students grasped sequencing phrases so well, and were then asked to create and write stories of their own with the beginning of the story being prompted to challenge the students thinking and creative abilities.

Next week, we hope to begin reading and preparing for the Christmas Performance, that should be exciting. Have a good and safe weekend everyone!

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G3 / G3’s narrative story