
Gojo campus


Grade 3 Practice Rolls On!

Greetings. With Japan’s historic 2-1 win over Germany last night. This was Japan’s first World Cup victory over Germany in the history of the World Cup, and also drowning Germany to two back to back opening game losses in the competition. With that said, I hope that has brightened up your spirits!

This week felt a little strange with a holiday in between the week. That was much welcomed as with all other holidays. We have been locked in and focused on practicing for the Christmas Performance Show coming up in a few weeks.


The alternate expression games have been great to assist the students in improving the portrayal of their emotions and feelings within their characters.

This coming Friday will be anticipated as we will welcome the parents for lunch, and a discussion of what we have been up to in our classroom, as well as the parents being a warm part of one of our lessons. This should bring insight into what ISN does on a daily basis.

今週は、金曜日に参観懇談会や親子給食が行われました!その中で、Grade3がこの4月からどのような活動をしているのかスライドショーで動画や写真を交えながら紹介しましたよ~!🎅Performance Dayのための準備も着々と進めています。それでは皆さん、良い週末を!

Next week we hope to begin creating our props, stage setting and ordering our costumes for the exciting show. Please enjoy the weekend, along with the World Cup and stay safe!

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