
Gojo campus


Grade 1 – Countries and Cultures

Hello everyone! We have a lot of things to update you on!

Firstly, students loved being able to pick their own books and draw on the book bus a couple weeks ago. They thought it was very cool that they keep wishing all the buses they see are book buses.

Next, grade one students have been learning about countries and cultures for unit 5. We have been exploring the 7 continents and the different countries within each continent. We also discussed what culture entails. Students said food, clothes, festivals, language, and houses all can be part of ones countries culture. We`ve experienced a plethora of cultural activities, games, buildings, and crafts from many different countries.

Grade one students had a lot of fun making their own japanese food that they want to eat for lunch. They presented their artworks in a gallery format getting inspiration from the art gallery we visited last unit.

This week students have been making their own ideal home from another country after reading a book about different kinds of homes around the world.

In PE, we practiced our balancing skills using the ziplines. It was fantastic to see students being caring and helping each other.

For music, they have been practicing for their music performances. Students are practicing a lot even during recess time!

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