
Gojo campus


G3 Planetarium visit day!

Hello everyone! I hope that everyone is keeping well, and warm. We have had a pretty good week, as we continued learning about space. We also focused on LOI 2, and the students had themselves a really good day at the planetarium.

Our week was focused on the importance of space research. We looked at a really good website with some reasons why humans travel and research space. The students were able to learn and understand why its important and the things that come off from space research, such as accurate weather forecasts and how we can use that information to save the future of our planet.

This is our 2nd Line Of Inquiry, and it focuses on the importance of space exploration. The students were also tasked with making a poster of all the different things that we get from our exploration of space.

Lastly, we also visited Matsumoto City’s Kyouiku Bunka-center. We watched a film that explores space, and all things involved in it, such as the solar system, the formation of Earth, and the infinite universe. Personally, I am always just in awe when this topic is explored. I end up having many questions, and I conclude that there certainly has to be a super being beyond my own comprehension and knowledge that could have possibly, created all this.

We hope that you enjoy our work form this week, please have a nice weekend. Stay safe and warm.

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