
Gojo campus


Grade 6: Graduation

Hello, friends! The day has come! Our precious Grade 6 students are graduating from ISN Elementary! It seems like it was only yesterday that they we started this school year and the teachers still remember the students’ faces from when they were very small! Good luck to all of them in their upcoming endeavours. 🌸

The students have spent this week finishing the last Unit of Inquiry, cleaning up their lockers and making sure their classroom is nice and tidy. They will be a part of a new class next week after all! They have also worked hard on preparing for the Graduation Ceremony. They learned how to properly walk in line, bow and give formal speeches. We have a big day on Friday!

We were also able to spend a lot of time outside this week, enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures! Let’s hope next week is just as sunny. Hope you have a fun and exciting Spring break and see you all next year! ☀️

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