
Gojo Elementary School


G1- Happy Faces in Spring

Hello, ISN family! How are you all doing? Here are some of the things that happened in the past week. If you will take a look at the above picture, we are lining up and trying to decide our learner profile goal for the day. At the end of the day we try to reflect if we were able to reach the goal and share to the class the things that we did to reach it.

We also sent thank you cards to those who joined us for our Spring Festival. Hope you we will all see you again next year!

In one of our tasks for UOI, we visited our library and tried to look for books which we think is related to our Unit’s theme. Unit 1 is all about relationships with friends, family, teachers/school staff, classmates, and schoolmates. After reading the book we have chosen, we then draw a picture of the cover and below it we wrote why the book has something to do with relationships.

Mr. Terry played dodgebee with us for this week’s P.E. class. It was so much fun! He taught us some tricks in using the dodgebee and now I can clap my hand 3 or 4 times before catching it.

We’ve had so many sunny days this past week and we took the opportunity to enjoy the sun with classmates!

Such a beautiful weather to play tag! Let’s play together next time!

Here is Arata during our show and tell in the morning. He said that he found a jade when they went to Niigata for the Golden Week. He showed it to everyone and told us that a jade is a treasure that is green in color. Such a lovely gem he found!

We wanted to let our classmates, schoolmates, and friends know that they are special to us so we wrote them love notes. We also received love notes from them. So glad to know that I there are so many friends who love me at school!

Another task we were able to finish was painting a rock and writing love notes on it. We will be giving it to someone special to us at home. Do you have any guess who will receive it?

This time we were trying to decide what to draw and what colors to use.

Now, it’s time to paint! We used the Art room for this task. Before we entered the Art room, we first talked about how to use the materials and how to clean up after using the materials. We all did a great job because we left the Art room clean and nice.

Finally, we celebrated Ms. Phoebe’s birthday last week. She was super happy to receive presents from teachers, friends, and students. There were so many birthday cards on top of her table. Thank you G1, G2, G3, and G4 for all the greetings and birthday cards! You made Ms. Phoebe birthday extra special.

Thank you for reading our blog. Until next time ISN fam!

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