
Gojo Elementary School


Grades 3 and 4: World Tour / Rice Planting

Hi, besties! After the rainy weekend, we’ve had a nice sunny week! The temperatures went down a little bit as well, so the students were able to truly enjoy outdoor activities!

A big thank you to all the parents who came and supported Tuesday’s rice planting event. The students were ready with their mud gear! It was interesting to see the different personalities of the students: some were very excited about the rice planting activity and described the gooey sensation of sticking your feet in the mood as enjoyable, while others screamed in panic at the sight of insects. It is very nice to have these little opportunities to get to know the student’s individual personalities more. Nevertheless, everyone did their best and helped immensely, making the whole job much smoother and faster than last year. The students must be looking forward to this year’s mochi-making! 🍚

The main order of business for our UOI lessons this week was working on the students’ proper use of resources. Often times, the students are not aware of how to properly acknowledge and cite sources, so this time, they were tasked with working in pairs to read a book and use only that book for preparing a poster on a country, which they presented on Friday. This was also a good chance for the students to work with classmates they are not so used to, since the pairs were selected by the teacher. It was great to see the students take on this task creatively and how decorative their posters were, but also how much they are improving every day in their public speaking skills. 🌎

In order to improve the students’ writing skills and their ability to reflect, it would also be very beneficial for them to write a short reflection on their day in their diaries at home. This would also provide an opportunity for direct communication between the parents and the teacher. Thank you for your continuous support. Have a lovely weekend! ☀️

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G3 / Grades 3 and 4: World Tour / Rice Planting