
Gojo campus


Grades 3 and 4: Defending ourselves

Hi, everyone! How was your week? The temperatures have gone down quite a bit in the last couple of days and the students got to enjoy some fun games of tag outside.

The students started practicing for the Sports Day’s dance performance much more intensively. The dance choreography is demanding, but the students seem to be enjoying it a lot. We’ve laughed a lot thinking of names for the dance moves and dancing at fast speeds. The students are looking forward to sharing the Sports Day with you. 💀

The day before Sports Day, the class will organize a small Science Fair, where they will show their parents, schoolmates and teachers what they have researched and learned about their topic of choice. This week in class, the students created posters and presentations with which they answered questions their classmates had on their topics of choice. It was nice to interact with each other in that way, and everyone gave advice to each other on how to improve. You are all invited to come visit the Science Fair on Friday, October 13th, at 10:00. 🔬

As part of our second Line of Inquiry, we visited the Matsumoto branch of Japan Self-Defense Forces. The students will learn about Natural disasters and protecting our communities in case one happens, so the nice soldiers at JSDF explained how exactly they help, showed us pictures of some of their activities (namely, the volcanic eruption at Mt. Ontake a few years back), and the students even got to try on some of their equipment, such as toilet tents and backpacks. Their favorite part was getting to go inside the military car and helicopter. 🚁

Have a great weekend!

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