
Gojo campus


Grade 2 【Learning about new things!】

Good afternoon everyone, we hope you had a lovely week 😀

This week has been very busy with a lot of interesting things going on!

We had a hygiene lecture by our school nurse, Ms.Katie✨
Since they are Grade 2 students, most of the children already know how to brush their teeth and use a toothbrush on their own. But it is important to check again. Our goal was for students to have them brush their teeth more regularly.
In this session, we also learned about fluoride mouthwash methods.
We also discussed how to cough when we need to and when it is appropriate to wash our hands. We aim for a cleaner school environment✨.

Since last week, Grade 2 has started a new unit.
In this new unit, we will be learning about “how we express ourselves”.🎉
Also, now that the Sports Festival is over, our focus will be on Performance Day in December!
Grade 2 will be performing 🍑🍑🍑”James and a Giant Peach”🍑🍑🍑! In class, we have already been reading the novel since the end of summer. It’s a little difficult, which is why we have also watched the movie🎬 Now we are slowly preparing for the performance by familiarizing ourselves with the characters and the story as much as possible.

James and a Giant Peach is a truly wonderful movie. I highly recommend everyone to watch it for their fall movie viewing! (if you haven’t already 😉 )

A suspicious person training was held and grade 2 students were picked to help support the instructor by acting out various dangerous situations. Our friends did a really good job after getting a little help from the instructor. We learned that suspicious persons don’t always wear sunglasses and caps/hoodies. We also learned that we need to alert an adult or someone who has a “protect the kids” sign. Grade 2 paid attention to the instructor and was focused on the presentation and videos that were shown. Good job!

We enjoyed one of our last outside PE classes, while the sun was still showing its warm smile!

We harvested our sweet potatoes with the help of the Middle School students. Now… we have to be honest… we did not take the best care of our field, so our harvest wasn’t as abundant as we had hoped! However, students enjoyed getting their hands dirty while digging for potatoes. We ended up finding around 30 potatoes. They were kinda small, so we will have to see which ones are usable… Next week or the week after, we would like to have a small sweet potato-eating party 😀

That’s it for this week, we hope you have a lovely weekend! Stay warm and see you soon!

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