
Gojo Elementary School


2023-2024 PYP Exhibition

Hello everyone! On March 8th the grade 5 students did their PYP exhibition at school. They were finally able to showcase their learning, research skills, and their action of their chosen topic. There were 5 groups that researched different things.

Group 1 – Poverty
Transdisciplinary theme: Who we are
Central Idea: Knowing about the different charities of our world can help us reduce poverty and make happy faces.
Line of Inquiry 1: Poverty and charities of our world. (Form)
Line of Inquiry 2: How does charity work for poverty? (Function)
Line of Inquiry 3: How does everyone feel about poverty and charities? (Perspective)
Line of Inquiry 4: What can we do to help reduce poverty? (Responsibility)

Group 2 – Games
Transdisciplinary theme: Where we are in place and time
Central Idea: Learning about the history of games and how it has changed, will help us understand how to use games for the future of education. 
Line of Inquiry 1: What is the history of games? (Form)
Line of Inquiry 2: How do games work? (Function)
Line of Inquiry 3: How and why have games changed? (Change)
Line of Inquiry 4: How can we use games for education? (Connection)

Group 3 – Animals
Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the planet
Central Idea: Learning about animal extinction and how important they are to us allows us to understand how to help them. 
Line of Inquiry 1: Animal habitats and life style. (Form)
Line of Inquiry 2: What is making animals extinct? (Causation)
Line of Inquiry 3: What will our life look like without animals? (Change)
Line of Inquiry 4: How can we help animals? (Connection) 

Group 4 – Recycling
Transdisciplinary theme: How the world works
Central Idea: Learning about recycling and how we can use this knowledge in the fashion industry can help us reduce waste/ rubbish.
Line of Inquiry 1: What is recycling? (Form)
Line of Inquiry 2: How can we recycle things? (Function)
Line of Inquiry 3: How can we use recycling in the fashion industry? (Connection)
Line of Inquiry 4: What can we do to reduce rubbish? (Responsibility)

Group 5 – Food Waste
Transdisciplinary theme: How the world works
Central Idea: Knowing about food waste can help us understand how important it is not to do it, to create a better world.
Line of Inquiry 1: What is food waste? (Form)
Line of Inquiry 2: Why does food waste happen? (Causation)
Line of Inquiry 3: How can we avoid food waste? (Responsibility)

Throughout this experience, the students really took on their learning individually and were able to use what they have learnt during their PYP experience. Not only did they pick topics they were interested in, but also topics that need some kind of problem solving to make their world a better place.

Thank you to all the parents, students, teachers and guests who came to the exhibition and listened to the students. They really enjoyed tallking to many people who they wouldn’t normally talk to and appreciate how kind and supportive everyone were.

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G5 / 2023-2024 PYP Exhibition