
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – 2022 Sports festival! (27-30 July)

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

What an exciting week it has been, with our sports festival as the big finale! We also have had fun playing outside while the weather has been a little cooler, and playing with water when the weather has been too hot.


Sports festival!

Thank you so much for joining our sports festival! We had a lot of fun dancing and playing together! I know it can be scary for our youngsters to enter a big scary hall with so many people, but everyone tried their best and did a great job!  


Outside play

The weather was a little cooler this earlier this week, so we were able to play outside without getting too hot. The kids enjoyed making many different things in the sandpit. We also played with water outside on the hot days. We mixed the water with food coloring and had fun mixing the colors.



For the month of July will be focusing on learning about fruits! Not only do we want to learn the different names of the fruits, but we also want to learn the phrase “I like ___”.  And when talking about likes and dislikes, we have been singing a new fun song. The song is called “Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?”, and it always garners a lot of laughs in the classroom!

今月はフルーツについて学んでいきます。フルーツの名前を覚えるだけではなく、“I like______”のフレーズも学びます。そして好き、嫌いについてお話しする時に歌える“Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?”という曲を聴いています!この曲を流すとみんなついつい笑ってしまいます。ぜひお家でも聴いてみてくださいね!

We also had fun making different fruits using clay.


Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week.


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – 2022 Sports festival! (27-30 July)