
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: Our School Community!

Good day everyone! This week we have learned about our school and the people around us, the school community. We highlighted and introduced teachers and staffs in our school this week. The school teachers and staffs were asked and told us about themselves in our classroom. Through their introduction, we learned about their job at school, interests, hobbies and more about themselves. We were surprised and amazed by their intro and each of us certainly enjoyed listening to their stories. Thank you ISN teachers and staffs for coming over!

What is the best thing to do during the hot weather? Swimming! Yes, Aurora had their first swimming lesson of the school year and we went to the pool. We listened to the instructors, changed our clothes and had some fun activities at the pool. We first did some stretches that allowed us to get used to the water, then we walked in the water and paste the stickers on the water board. Lastly, we enjoyed the water slide before we go back to school. We are looking forward to go to the pool again!

The phonic that we learned this week was “E”, there were 2 sounds to pronounce E as in short E “eh” as in Elephant, and long E “eee” as in Eagle. We practiced writing on E and made the alphabet using the clay. Please do practice writing E at home too!

Since it is the last week of May, we had our favorite activity—-Birthday Party! We once again held it outdoor with everyone this time, we first introduced the birthday celebrant and interview him to know more about him. His favorite is Paw Patrol! therefore, we gave him a Paw patrol theme birthday card. We ended the party with his favorite story book “Alpacas with Maracas”. That is all for this week, see you again!
5月のおともだちのバースデーパーティをみんなで園庭で行いました。まずお誕生日のおともだちをクラスのみんなに紹介をして、主役のお友達にバースデーインタビューをしてみました。もちろん彼のお気に入りは…!!「Paw patroll」です🤩堂々とインタビューに答える姿に感動☆彡とってもかっこよかったよ!最後に彼のリクエストの絵本「Alpacas with Maracas」の読み聞かせでパーティーを締めくくりました。元気いっぱい素敵な1年になりますように☆彡


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