
Nagano Preschool


Nagano G1 & MilkyWay – Fun in the Sun! May 30th – June 3rd

This week we had our first swimming Class in Milky Way! We started out by getting confident in the water and it was so much fun!

今週からプールレッスンが再開されました🏊‍♀️ しばらくレッスンを行っていませんでしたが、コーチもビックリするくらい上達していました✨

For our UOI we continued working on solving conflicts. We learned about how our character can affect the interaction between ourselves and our friends. We learned that we could be a “Peace-breaker” or “Peace-Maker” We discussed in teams and came up with different ideas on how to be a “Peace-Maker”. We will continue to keep practicing this.

UOIのレッスンでは、対立をどう回避するか探究しました😎 それぞれが持っている性格はお友達と交流する時どのように影響し合うか学びました🧐 “Peace-breaker” か “Peace-Maker” どちらにもなれるけど、どちらが好きか考えました☘ 日常生活でどうしたら “Peace-Maker”か引き続き考えて行きたいと思います⭐

We also had so many fun activities in the sun this week! We played some “water-themed” Team work games outside and we are learned how to play dodgeball also so we can practice good team work. We got very wet! and it was so much fun!

今週は外のアクティビティーも沢山しました❣ お水をテーマにしたチームワークのゲームを楽しみました。初めてドッヂボールにも挑戦して、チームワークの大切さ、楽しさを実感しました😍💚💙 

We finished off our fun week with a bus trip to a huge park. We had a picnic and tried so many exciting activities, such as; Basketball, Catch-ball and even rope sliding. We are getting stronger and learning new skills week by week. We also decided to spell “ISN” with our bodies. It required great team work.

金曜日は遠足に行ってきました🚌 ピクニック、バスケットボール、キャッチボール、ターザンなど沢山のアクティビティーをしました🤩徐々に力も強くなり、新しいスキルも大いに学んでいます⚽🏀🏐🪁 最後にみんなで1つのISNを体で表現しました😁チームワークです💖

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano G1 & MilkyWay – Fun in the Sun! May 30th – June 3rd