


Can you take a picture of me? SV/RF 9/9

The children enjoyed interacting with their friends and came up with creative ways to make projects with the materials. These days their creative juices are going and they couldn’t wait to show it off! We often hear them said, “look at this!”, “look at what I made!”, or “Can you take a picture of me?” They also are learning to help each other when their friends are stuck making projects. It is evident that the children are enjoying each other’s company by playing the animal bingo game, or looking at a storybook together. 

The most rewarding part of being a teacher is to hear children say, “yeah! I like …..time, it is so fun!” And that is exactly what the children have been saying when they saw the daily schedule with a “workstation” picture on it. This week the children practiced the scissor cutting skill by making the butterfly project. Some children need more practice with cutting while others are progressing at an amazing speed. Whatever the case, we hope the children have fun practicing cutting while strengthening their small motor skills. 

As the summer came to an end, we had a discussion about what corner we should create after the Savannah Ice Cream Shop we had in the past two months. The children suggested ramen or curry shop, however, with more children voting for ramen we have decided to go for the ramen shop. We  will open the ramen shop next week and perhaps turn it into a curry restaurant the next season. The children helped prepare the ingredients for the ramen shop and they have decided to call it the “ISN Ramen!”We cannot wait to open and expect a long cue in line! 
夏が終わろうとしているので、夏の2ヶ月間楽しんだサバンナアイスクリームショップを閉店し、秋に向けて新しいお店をオープンしようとクラスで話し合いました。子ども達からはラーメン屋かカレー屋がいい!とアイディアが出てきました。多数決をとったところ、ラーメン屋にすることにしました!来週にはラーメン屋をオープンできると思います!そして、次のシーズンにはカレー屋をオープンさせたいと思います。子ども達はラーメンに入れる色々な食材を作り、ラーメン屋の名前を「ISN Ramen」に決めました。オープンする日が待ちきれませんね🍜

This week we concluded LOI 3 by talking about our responsibilities towards the living creature. What a splendid thing to hear the children reviewing and talking about what they have learned and being challenged to think of ways to raise awareness for others. As we gave out the baby snails to the families who desire to help raise them, what a wonderful opportunity and fitting thing to do right after we talked about our responsibilities towards the living creatures! We hope that the children will all have the opportunity to raise animals or minibeasts in order to experience what it is like to be responsible for living things.
今週、LOI 3「生物に対する私たちの責任」について話し合い、 復習し、このユニット最後のLOIを締めくくりました。子ども達がこれまで学んだことをクラス内で話し合いながら復習し、そして他の人たちの意識も高める方法を考えることにも挑戦でき、とても素晴らしい探究ができました。今週は、カタツムリの赤ちゃんを育てたいというご家族にたくさんのカタツムリの赤ちゃんをお配りしましたが、生き物に対する私たちの責任について話し合った直後にこのような素晴らしい機会を設けることができ、とても嬉しく思っています。動物やミニビーストを育てる体験を通して、「私たちの生き物に対しての責任」を体験していただきたいです。

This week we also started the sight word slap game as we continued to review the sight words we have been learning since school started. It was so exciting to see the children able to recognize the words or try their best to remember them! All the children are engaged and seem to enjoy this competitive game!

In writing and phonics we continue to learn the word families of the onset and rimes. The children are getting better at blending the words and are beginning to feel more confident when it comes to writing. 

This week we also rearranged the class to make it more fitting for our upcoming theme and interests. The children went around the room to explore what is available and how they can utilize the materials in each play area. We now have the official block area where they can build and interact more freely with each other. In the math area, we provided materials that are related to their interests and are closer to the tables where they can manipulate with the materials.  

Rainy days means group game! The children love the fruit basket game and they just can not have enough of it! 

TOP / Can you take a picture of me? SV/RF 9/9