
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – What animals live on a farm? (9-13 May)

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone had a fantastic golden week! We had an exciting first week back here in Rainbow class! What better way to start the week off than with our ISN concert! We also started our new monthly topic, had fun playing with clay, and had a nice music lesson.

みなさん、こんにちは!ゴールデンウィークは楽しく過ごされましたか? お休み明けのISNコンサート、粘土遊び、ミュージックレッスンととてもexcitingな1週間になりました。また新しいmonthly topicもスタートしました。

May’s monthly topic (Farm/Zoo Animals) 🐖

Our monthly topic for May will be Farm/Zoo animals. This week, we started the topic by talking about farm animals. We talked about the animal’s name and the sound they make. The kids always have a lot of fun imitating the animals sounds! And they are so adorable when they do it!

今月のトピックはFarm/Z00 animals 家畜と動物園にいる動物です。今週はFarm animalの名前と鳴き声についてお話ししました。子供たちは楽しそうに動物の鳴き声の真似をしていました。そんな姿がとっても可愛らしかったです!

To reinforce what we have been learning, as well as developing their fine motor skills, we have been coloring some of the common animals we have been learning. It’s always interesting to see what kinds of color and shape each student chooses the draw when they color.


We have also been singing the song “Old McDonald had a farm” together every day. Please sing it together at home too when you have time!

「Old McDonald had a farm」を毎日クラスで歌っています。ぜひお家でもお子さんと歌って下さいね!

Fun with clay 🖐️

For the first time this school year, we took out the clay! Before we started to play with it, we talked about what kind of shape we wanted to make. We encourage the kids to try and think for themselves before we make any suggestions. And they already had some ideas of what they wanted to make! After hearing their idea, we talked about the animals we have been learning this week. We had so much fun making many different shapes with the clay. I saw cars, snowmen, snakes, and many other animals! Goof job being creative, Rainbow!


Music lesson 🎵

In the music lesson this week, we tried something new. The teacher showed them a picture of a cute raccoon. Then, she showed us how we could do a funny raccoon walk! The kids had big bright smiles looking at the teacher’s funny raccoon walk, and couldn’t wait to try it for themselves! We also used the scarves again to make some pretty flowers.


Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – What animals live on a farm? (9-13 May)