
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Playing games together! (14-18 March)

Hello everyone!

We’re almost at the end of the year now, with only one week to go! This week has been all about reviewing what we have learned, so that we are ready to start Shooting Star next month!
いよいよ今年度も残すところあと一週間になりました。この一年で学んだ事のレビュー活動をして、来年度へつなげていければと思います。 いよいよ来年度は憧れのシューティングスターのお兄さんお姉さんになりますね☆彡


The weather has been sunny and warm this week. The perfect weather for playing outside! We got a chance to play outside in the school yard, but we also took a walk to the park again.
When we got to the park, we noticed something strange on the ground. Someone had started to dig out a huge stone. Our imaginative students all agreed that it was a dinosaur egg! They found some sticks and started to dig out the rest of the dinosaur egg. The egg was too big (And too heavy!), so they weren’t able to dig it out before we hade to go back.

We also brought our soap bubbles again. The kids love to chase all the bubbles flying through the park. It was a bit windy, so the bubbles were very fast. Of course, that was no problem for our incredibly fast kids!

Birthday party

We celebrated the birthdays of our March students this month. We had 3 happy birthday boys this month! Unfortunately, one of the boys were unable to attend the party, but we will be sure to give him his card and wish him a happy birthday when he comes back!
今週、3月生まれのお友達の誕生日パーティをしました🎂🍰❕❕3人のお友達が今月お誕生日を迎えました🤩かっこよく先生からのインタビューに答えてくれましたね👍Good job🤩 お誕生日おめでとう❕❕

Music lesson

We finished our last music lesson as Aurora students this week! For our final lesson, we looked at the keyboard piano again. We began by talking about our fingers and how to position them on the keyboard. We took out the keyboards, and reviewed where to find the “do” key.
After successfully hitting the “do” key with the correct finger, we moved on to the “re” key. It was a lot of fun, and the kids wanted to keep going after we were done!

Singing game

This week, we played the singing game “The bear is sleeping”. This game is a very popular in Norway, and I don’t think there is a child that doesn’t know this game.

The rules of the game are simple. One person pretends to be the sleeping bear. The other kids walk around the bear in a ring holding hands while singing the song “The bear is sleeping” When the song ends, the bear wakes up and chase the other kids. When someone is caught, he or she will become the “bear” the next time.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week for our last week!

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