
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- We Did It! Hooray!- Dec. 13th-17th, 2021

Christmas Show was a howling success! We all tried our best in our show. Some of us were nervous at first but we conquered it and did great. We were able to tell the story to our audience effectively.

クリスマスショーは大成功でした🎄 みなさん最善を尽くしましたね💖 最初は緊張していたお友達もそれを克服し、大活躍しました⭐🎉 今回クリスマスショーを見に来てくださったお父さん、お母さんへ効果的に伝える事が出来ました😉✨

Thank you for all your love and support. We hope that you all enjoyed our show.


Christmas Season Activities

In preparation for Christmas, we made snowmen with pinecones, Styrofoam balls, pipe cleaners, and more. First, we painted the pinecones with white, silver, purple, yellow, and pink paint. The next day, we made our snowmen. Some had hats on, while the others had earmuffs on.

クリスマスにむけて、松ぼっくり、発泡スチロールのボール、モールなどで雪だるまを作りました。 まず、松ぼっくりを絵の具で白、銀、紫、黄、ピンクの絵の具で塗りました。 翌日、雪だるまを作りました。 帽子をかぶっている雪だるまや、耳当てを付けている雪だるまを作ったりと自分のイメージする素敵な雪だるまを作ることが出来ました⛄

Last week, we made Christmas cards for our loved ones so we sent them this week! We walked to the post office and dropped them in the post box ourselves. We hope you like them!



It was the last day of Swimming for Milky Way this year. We have learnt so much this year and we are looking forward to more fun and exciting swimming lessons next year.

今週のMilky Wayクラスのスイミングは今年の最後のレッスンでした。 今年のレッスンではたくさんのことを学びました。卒園まで3か月ですが、来年はもっと楽しくてエキサイティングな水泳レッスンを楽しみにしています🏊‍♂️🏊‍♀️

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- We Did It! Hooray!- Dec. 13th-17th, 2021