
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Getting ready for the big show (6-10 December)

Hello everyone!

It has been another fun week here in Aurora. With only one week left until the Christmas show, everyone is still hard at work preparing to give all their mommies and daddies a great show! That’s why this week has been all about the Christmas show. We have also had fun playing together both outside and inside when it has been raining.

Christmas show rehearsal

We had our final rehearsal before next week’s big show! It’s a different feeling when you are standing on the big stage compared to in the classroom, but everyone forgot about their nerves and did their best during the rehearsal! Good job everyone! Let’s show everyone our hard work next week!!
来週のクリスマスショーの前に最後のリハーサルがありました。大きなステージに立っている時は、クラスでの練習とは全く雰囲気が違い、みんな少し緊張した面持ちでしたが、とってもよく頑張っていました‼Good job! Aurora🤩

We also got to see everyone else’s performances too. Aurora was a good audience! We sat quietly when watching them, and gave them a big round of applause when they finished. We enjoyed watching it a lot!
そして、他のクラスのパフォーマンスを見ることもできました。みんな静かに座って、他のクラスの発表を楽しむことができました🤩そして、頑張ったお友達たちに大きな拍手を送ることができましたね!Good Audience! Aurora🤩


This week’s letter was lowercase “j”.
At the beginning of the lesson, the kids get a chance to name all the different things they know starting with j. It’s so nice to see that they can recognise the “j” sound in different words and come up with many examples!

Then, we take a look at three different CVC words that starts with J. This week’s words were “jam”, “jug” and “jet”. First, we say /j/ /a/ /m/. Then, we blend the two first sounds /ja/ /m/. And finally, all three sounds together to say the word “jam”.

Sweet potato snack!

We had some very tasty snack this week! Sweet potato! After waking up from their nap, they got to enjoy some nice warm sweet potato. Everyone ate it nicely and gave me a big thumbs up saying “It was yummy!” after they were done.

Santa Claus craft

December is the time for fun Christmas crafts, and this week we made some fantastic paper Santa Clauses! To make this Santa, the students got use a variety of different skills.
First, they had to make Santa’s face by drawing it with crayons. Next, they had to cut Santa’s beard with scissors. Everyone was given a paper with an outline of where they should cut. It’s so nice to see how much everyone has improved since we first used the scissors earlier this year!
To complete the beard, we curled the cut strips of paper using a pencil.

Now that we had all our pieces ready, we had to put them together. Almost like a puzzle, we took the different part of our Santa Claus and glued it to another sheet of paper. The results were absolutely wonderful! Everyone had very different and great Santa Clauses!

Gym lesson

We had another fun gym lesson this week.
Everyone has a lot of fun when doing our warm up stretches, and especially the spider walk.
After the warm up, we used the mat to do some different exercises. We did sit-ups in pairs, wheelbarrow exercise and forward rolls. Please enjoy this short video highlight from our lesson.

Play time!

We had some rainy days this week, so we have enjoyed playing inside too! The kids have enjoyed using the puzzles, playing with the toys, or coloring their favorite characters or animals. I have learned so many new dinosaur names this week from trying to find the requested coloring pages!

We have also had some sunny days too! And we always take full advantage of those nice days by playing outside together!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next time!


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