
Nagano Preschool


Rainbow Nagano: Our favorite lessons!

Swimming, Music and Gym lesson. These 3 lessons are definitely Rainbow kids favorite classes all the time. For this week’s swimming lesson, we learned to walk in the water without any fear. First, we started off with some simple warm up such as moving our feet in water, touch the water surface with our face and ears, and one on one water exercise with the instructor. Then, the instructors set up the space for walking and asked each of the kid to walk and crawl forward to the destination. We saw the kids are always smiling whenever they are doing the challenges, as if they are not afraid at all! Well Done Rainbow!

Next, for the music lesson, we learned to play the castanets and bell. We first listened to the instructions on how to hold the instruments correctly with our hands. Then, we play the bell/castanet according to the piano sounds. We pay extra attention to our music teacher, because the beats were different throughout the song. Rainbow kids did their best in playing them, and they were so glad about it.

Rainbow kids always so excited on the bus that is going to the gym, they always shout out “Look! It’s train!”, “I went there with mommy!”, “Truck!” and anything they can see on the bus. We always use this opportunity to ask them about “what can you see?”, “Do you like train?” and other questions to elicit responses from them. For the gym lesson this week, we fully utilized the use of all of our body parts. We learned to do the reverse legs lift, robot walk with the instructor, raising legs to reach the ears, and jump on the trampoline. We were so tired on our way back to the school, but we know it was fun and worth it for our Rainbow kids. They all had a restful nap time on that day. That’s all of this week, see you again!
バスの中でも元気いっぱいのレインボーのお友達、窓の外をみて”このお店行った事あるよ” ”ここもママときたー”とお友達や先生にお話をしてくれます!
バスの中でも、英語で会話をする様にしています。先生達から”何が見えるかな?””電車好き?”など質問を受けると元気いっぱい”I like train”と答えてくれます。バスの中でもみんなで賑やかに過ごしています。


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