
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – The ways we communicate our feelings (1-5 November)

Hello everyone!

We had another fun week here in Aurora! We started a new LOI in our UOI lessons, started practicing for the Christmas show, enjoyed playing outside in the fall weather and had a gym lesson full of energy!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways
Line of inquiry: Ways to communicate with others

Thanks to all your wonderful work at home, the kids have a good understanding of how to recognize what they are feeling and how someone else might feel. So, now it’s time to start focusing on how we communicate using those feelings. For our second LOI, we’ll talk about different ways of communication and kind/unkind ways of expressing ourselves.

Ways we communicate (Prior knowledge assessment)

The first lesson of our new LOI was all about thinking and sharing our ideas together. The teacher first asked the students “how do we communicate our feelings and ideas with others?”. This is a little difficult for our young learners, so a different way of saying this is “How can we show our feelings?”.

This is not an easy topic to understand without any help. The first answer we got from our students were talking. One of our students said that he would say “No thank you” to show that he got angry. The teacher also helped them with some visual aids, and guiding questions. As the students got more used to the topic, we gradually got more answers. If they want something they would point. If they are angry, they will stomp their feet. If they are scared, they will hide or maybe even shake. If they are too excited, they will jump.
これは子どもたちにとってフォローなしで理解するには難しいトピックです。子どもたちが挙げてくれた最初の方法は、「Talking」です。クラスの一人が発言してくれました。彼がおこったことを示すために、「No, thank you」と言うだろうと言いました。そして、先生はまたいくつかの視覚的な補助と導くための質問を子どもたにしていきました。子どもたちがそのトピックに慣れるにつれて、私たちは徐々により多くの答えを子どもたちから聞くことができました。

I also asked them how they could tell someone else’s emotions if they never say anything. Again, we got many clever answers from our young learners. Mouth, face, cry and using body. Well done, everyone!

At the end of the lesson, we all had a better understanding that there are many different ways of showing how we feel. We don’t only use words, but we can also use our face and our body language to let others know how we feel.

Kind, unkind and magic words

What are kind words? How about unkind words? How do these words make you feel? These were the questions that we started our second lesson with this week.

We had prepared a list of some kind words that we wanted to share with the students, but we gave them a chance to think for themselves first. Not surprisingly, they were able to think of some of the words we had in our list! We discussed in what kind of situations we should use these words, and how it makes us feel.

We did the same thing for the unkind words. It’s good to know that everyone understands that using these words will make the other person sad. When I asked the students if they want to make their friends sad, I got a very good answer. “No! Happy!”

The end the lesson, we talked about the “magic words”. These are the words we should often use, and always makes us more polite. We are already using these words in our daily school life, but now we can put some extra attention on them. We encouraged the students to use these words at home too as often as they can! Our magic words are:
レッスンの最後に、「魔法の言葉」について話ました。これらは、私たちがよく使うべき言葉であり、常に私たちをより礼儀正しくします。私たちはすでにこれらの言葉を日常のスクール生活の中で使っていますが、これからはさらに心がけて使うことが出来ます。おうちでもこれらの「Magic words」を使ってみようねと子どもたちにお話ししました。私たちの「魔法の言葉」は次の通りです。

  • Thank you
  • You’re welcome
  • I’m sorry
  • Excuse me
  • Please

Outside play

As always, we try to play outside every day. And this week, the weather has been wonderful for playing outside! It’s getting colder now, but the sun has been warming our bodies while we play outside. The sandpit is always very popular, and so is being chased by their big scary zombie monster teacher!

Christmas show practice

This week, we started practicing for our Christmas show!

Aurora class will do “The great big enormous turnip” for our play at this year’s Christmas show.
We watched a puppet show of the story last month, and have read the book multiple times since then. So, the kids are already familiar with the story and its characters.

They were all very excited when we announced who would play which role. After telling the students what roles they are going to play, we read the book again. Only this time, they students had to repeat after the teacher when we read their lines.

It’s going to be a busy few weeks of practice before the Christmas show, but I have a lot of faith in our great students! I know they will do a fantastic job, and we can’t wait to show everyone the result of their hard work in December!

Gym lesson

We had another fun gym lesson this week. Everyone is always very excited when we start the gym lesson, and tired when we are done. Just like it should be!

The lesson started with some sit-ups. It’s difficult for our young students to do sit-ups without some help, so they had to help each other! Half of the students sat down on the mat, while their other half helped hold their feet down while they performed the sit-ups. They would then switch position when they were done.

We also used the mat to practice a bear walk back and forth, forward rolls, and jumping on the trampoline. Please enjoy this highlight video from the lesson!

Monthly song (Totoro)

November’s monthly song is the song from the movie “Totoro”.
This is not only our monthly song, but will also be our performance for the Christmas show!
Hopefully, you will fin the time to sing it together at home too!

Monthly phrase

I would also like to share with you our monthly phrase for November. Last month, we learned “Can I have a ball, please?”. So, when they want to get something, they can use this phrase with their teachers and friends.
先月は、「Can I have a ball, please?」を学びました。なので、何かを欲しい時には、「Can I have a 〇〇, please?」と、先生やお友達と一緒にこのフレーズを使うことができます☺

This month, we are learning how to ask if someone can do something. “Can you swim? Yes, I can/No, I can’t”. We have been singing this fun song in class to remember it better.

As always, thank you for reading! See you again next week!

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