
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – 💀🦇Happy halloween!👻🎃 (25-29 October)

Hello everyone!

I want to give a big thank you to all the parents for being so supportive and helpful last week. I saw so many wonderful and creative ways to complete the homework we gave out to the students! The students have been full of energy this week! We had some fun UOI lessons, moved our bodies in gym class, practiced for the Christmas show in music class, and had fun playing outside.

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways
Line of inquiry: Identifying and describing feelings and ideas

We finished our first LOI of this unit by using clay to express our feelings. The students had free choice to make any kind of face they felt like. I’m happy that our wonderful students are able to recognize many types of feelings now. We really appreciate all the parents support and effort at home too. It has really helped our young learners a lot!

Birthday party

Another one of our growing students turned 4 this month, so we had our birthday party for her. We started the celebrations by a short interview. She was so sweet, and answered all the questions so well! Then we sang a happy birthday song, wished her a happy birthday, and finally gave her birthday card.

Halloween party!

We have been waiting all month, but the day was finally here! It was finally time for our Halloween party! We have been talking about the Halloween party all October, and I was so happy that everyone was able to attend.

Everyone’s costume was so amazing!! We had everything from scary monsters to elegant princesses. Of course, everyone was very proud of their costume, and was so happy to see their friends costume too. Even just saying good morning to each other was a lot of fun this morning!
みんなのコスチュームがすごかった!!怖いモンスターからエレガントなお姫様にみんなを守るヒーローたちや手作りの素晴らしいコスチュームまで、あらゆるものが揃っていました🎃もちろん、みんな自分のコスチュームにとても誇りを持っていて、お友達のコスチュームにも関心があり、 一緒に楽しむ姿があり、嬉しかったです。 朝の「Good morning ❕」のあいさつでさえ、いつもよりエキサイティングでしたね🤩❕❕

We started the party by taking a class photo.

At the end of the party we made our own Halloween basket by decorating it to make a jack-o-lantern face!

We then walked around between different classrooms playing games. First up was “Hit the ghost”, followed by bowling, ring toss, and then finally “Fish the monster”.
After the games, we sang our monthly song, and danced together to the song “Halloween stomp”.
各部屋に準備されたハロウィンゲームをみんなで楽しみました。最初は、「 Hit the ghost 」そして、ボーリング、輪投げ、そして、「 Fish the monster」でした🎃ゲームの後は、今月の歌を歌い、「 Halloween stomp 」をみんなで元気に踊りました☺

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – 💀🦇Happy halloween!👻🎃 (25-29 October)