
Nagano Preschool


Rainbow Nagano: Halloween is coming soon!

Greetings everyone! We will be having the Halloween party at school in just another week! Therefore, this week we had the craft lesson on the Halloween decoration that can be hang on the wall! Each of us first received the materials and listened to the instructions. We first stick the black cat at the top of the decoration, then stick it together with a big black bat and followed by a ghost and jack o lanterns. Finally we put the shiny stickers on anywhere we like to make it looks nice! All the Rainbow kids did it step by step and they got their own Halloween design done! Good Job! Can’t wait for Halloween.
そこで今週はハロウィン制作で壁にかけられるデコレーションをみんなで楽しく作りました。先生と一緒に材料、制作の手順を確認し、みんなでLets start!
どこに何を貼るか先生と一緒に考えたり、思い思いにテーブルに並べていきました。まず初めに糊で黒猫をほうきに乗せ白い紙でコウモリと繋ぎ合わせました。次に白い紙2枚をコウモリに貼り付け、下の部分におばけ、かぼちゃを貼りキラキラのシールを好きな所に貼って完成!キラキラな素敵な作品が完成しました。細かい作業もあったりと少し難しい場面もありましたが一つ一つ頑張りました。手伝ってほしい時は”Help me please”と言葉で伝える事ができましたね!

We also had our indoor gym this week too! We did some simple and complex exercises and all the kids enjoyed it very much. Rainbow kids followed to the instructions and did their best to do the body movement. We first move our heads, shoulders, hands, elbows and legs as warm up. Then we ran around the classroom for a couple of minutes. Lastly we did some intense stretches such as leg raises, toes touching, and air cycling.

We certainly will not miss the opportunity to play outside. We played at the school play ground this week as well. The Rainbow kids were in the mood of playing at the sandbox and playing tag this week too. We learned to make some castles and crabs using the tools at the sandbox, and running around chasing our friends just to warm our bodies up. We love outdoor! See you again!


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