
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Taking care of our pets (21-24 September)

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend, and enjoyed the great weather! We only had three days this week, but it has been three active days! We had a fun gym lesson, had the return of our swimming lesson, and finished the week with our UOI lesson and a birthday party!.

UOI lesson

Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the planet
Central idea: People’s actions impact animals
Line of inquiry: Ways we can help animals in our community

This week was the last lesson for our last LOI! That means, we only have the summative assessment left next week. For the summative assessment next week, the kids have to use the knowledge they have acquired throughout this unit to clean up the riverside and help the animals living there.

Formative assessment

We have been talking a lot of about pet care and animal treatment lately, so we wanted to see how the kids can take care of their newly created pets. Last week, we made our very own pet dogs. This week, the students got to demonstrate how to take care of their pet.

We made a big circle with all the chairs and sat down. In the middle of the floor, we had pictures of various objects used in pet care. Objects like: Bowl of water/food, shampoo, ball.

The teacher called out the different situations or needs of the dog. The kids then had to think about how they should handle the situation. For example: “The dog played outside and has become dirty!”. I was happy to see that the kids used their brains, and went to get the shampoo so that they got wash their dog. Good job!
先生は子どもたちに、犬の様々な状況やニーズを伝えました。その後、子どもたちはその状況にどう対処すべきかを考えなけらばなりません。例:「犬は外で遊んで汚れました。」さて、どのようにお世話をしますか?子どもたちは、それぞれが考えて…シャンプーの写真を取りにいきました。そして、ブラシを使って愛犬をきれいにゴシゴシと洗う姿もありました🤩Good job!!みんな☺

Swimming lesson

The kids were very excited to finally return to the big pool for our swimming lesson again!
After our usual warm-up and shower, we started the lesson with the alligator walk across the platform. For the next exercise we removed the platforms so that the kids could stand deeper in the pool. The kids had to walk through a hoop that the teacher was holding. If possible, they were encouraged to dip underwater as they passed through it. Aurora is not scared of a little water, so everyone had a lot of fun with this!

Next, we walked across the platform in the water again. On one side of the platform, they got to choose a picture of a fun character. On the other side was a pool float waiting for them. They walked across the platform with their pictures and stuck it to the float.

Finally, we used the platform as a slide before finishing the lesson.

Birthday party

We celebrated our two birthday boys in September this week. This is the first birthday party since April, so we had a lot of fun. First, we interviewed the kids with a few simple questions. Then, we all said happy birthday together while the teacher handed out their special birthday card. And what birthday party would be complete without the famous birthday song! Finally, we had a dance party to finish of the celebration!

Classroom tour

Because of the pandemic outbreak, parents have not been able to enter the school for a while now, so I’m sure many of you are curious how the classroom looks like right now. I have created this virtual tour of the Aurora classroom. There are some clickable icons around the classroom with more information about the different objects. Please take a look if you are curious! You can either use the window embedded below or click this link to get it fullscreen: AURORA CLASSROM TOUR

As always, thank you so much for always reading the blog, and see you again next week!

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