
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- Splash! (July 12-16)

We have been experiencing shower and thunderstorm for weeks. Despite unpredictable weather, we started our water/ pool play this week with a Splash! Milky Way and Shooting Star have always been excited to go swimming and ask us everyday if they could go out to play in the water.

ここ何週間もシャワーと雷雨を経験しています。とても不安定な天気ではありましたが、園庭ではプールを始めました💦みなさんプールを見ると大興奮❣ 毎日プール日かどうか先生に確認してますね😁

UOI: My Ideal House

Our Line of Inquiry 2 states that buildings are used for different things (function). One of them is for Living. Milky Way and Shooting Star imagined how their ideal house would look like and presented it to the class. Some of them had a secret bedroom, one had a chimney and a fireplace, while the others had lots of bathrooms in their house. All of them showed how wide their imagination is.

UOIのレッスンではLOI2 ” buildings are used for different things “(建物の用途は様々である)を探究しています。🖊 住むための建物もその1つです。⛪ 🏙 🏘レッスンではそれぞれのドリームハウスを大きな紙で作り、プレゼンテーションをしました。煙突、暖炉があるお家や、バスルームがたくさんあるお家など、みなさんの想像力にはびっくりしました😍

We also started a new function of buildings this week– Making Things. We talked about buildings that are for making things like snacks, medical equipment, and packed lunch. At the end the week, we learned how Nestle company makes their famous chocolate, Kitkat by watching their online tour. The kids enjoyed watching the clips from the first step, safety and hygiene, until the last step, packaging.

お菓子を作っている建物、医療用品を作っている建物、お弁当を作っている建物等、ものづくりの建物についてのレッスンもしました🏭 週の最後のレッスンではお菓子のキットカットを製造しているNestleのオンラインツアーの動画をみました。キットカットが出来るまでの4段階の工程をみてグループでまとめました。📝🖊

Craft: Making a wind chime

We made wind chimes out of pet bottles, pom poms, pearls, bells, and strings, then markers to color/decorate the bottles. The kids were satisfied with their work when they heard the bell rang after shaking the bottle.

クラフトの時間ではペットボトルを使って風鈴を作成しました。ポンポン、ビーズ、鈴を糸につなげてデコレーションして楽しみました🎐 自分の作った風鈴を振って鈴の音が聞こえるとみなさん目をキラキラさせていましたね🤩

Gym Lesson

We always warm up before doing some routine. One thing that’s new in our routine is doing the cartwheel and scorpion walk with the help of our teacher. It is done to strengthen our arms and abdomen. We can do warm up exercise well.

ジムレッスンはいつものルーティンの前にはウォーミングアップをします。今回からの新しいルーティンを始めました。 腕力と腹筋を鍛る 押し車とサソリ歩きです。ウォーミングアップにも使えそうな動きでした💪


Watermelon Dance | Dance Along | Dance with me | Pinkfong Dance for Children – YouTube


Hello Song for Children | Morning Stretch Song for Kids | English Greeting Song – YouTube

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- Splash! (July 12-16)