
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – I can do it!  (5-9 September) 

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to the Rainbow class blog. We have entered a month, which means new topics and songs! We also had fun doing crafts together and had a fun music lesson!

Moon viewing craft

We made our own moon viewing picture for crafts this week. To make the dango in the picture, the kids stuck round white pieces of paper on to the paper. They also had a picture of themselves that they could stick on the cat in the picture. We help and give instructions on how to do everything, but we try to let the kids think for themselves as much as possible. This not only gives them a sense of accomplishments, but also makes each craft more unique!

Music lesson

We started this week’s music lesson by doing a ball exercise. The kids sat down in pairs and handed the ball to each other saying “Here you are” and “Thank you” as they gave and received the ball. We have also started practicing bells. I think we were all surprised how well our wonderful kids are doing! They followed the teacher’s instructions and were able to hit the bells in the correct rhythm! Well done everyone!!

Monthly song for September

We have started to sing the song “Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree” in class this week. The kids can sing along with the song very nicely. Please sing it together at home too when you have time!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – I can do it!  (5-9 September)