


What are the color food groups stand for? SVRF 9/22

How do we eat our way to a healthier life? The answer is easy if we know the benefits that come with each food group. The children learned about the yellow, red, and green food groups during the Japanese preschooler health lesson. They are beginning to grasp the ideas and the associations of each color food group to the health benefits. Green food helps us fight off germs and diseases, yellow food sustains us and provides energy, and red food helps us grow muscles we need to move and enjoy life. Lunch time has been a struggle for the children, hopefully by learning about these color food groups they will be more willing to try food they dislike. 


During this last week of unit 2 in our OUI lessons, the children presented the minibeasts they have made to the Canyon class. Some were excited about the opportunity of telling the younger ones what they have learned and how they can help take care of these minibeasts and insects next time they see them. While some were a bit apprehensive about public speaking. Nonetheless, they all did a wonderful job and the Canyon class was impressed!! We hope they take away some things that are useful and apply them to their lives in the future.


After the competitive games at the Sports Festival, the children love how they can once again relax and just enjoy working their bodies out. The running game is never boring, however, stretching their bodies by making bridges and arches is a huge challenge for them. They love the added exercise of playing with the long jump rope!  


In order to strengthen their writing skills and small muscle controls, the children started a series of exercises that required them to use their fine motor skills. Among these exercises are chopsticks and scissor challenges..  Some found it difficult to pick up smaller items with chopsticks while others thought it was easy. With more practice, we believe the children will master the skills while having fun with these activities. In math, the children continue to practice their number writing skills along with counting objects. These independent exercises give them a chance to get better at number recognition as well as counting.

書く力と小さな筋肉のコントロールを強化するために、細かい運動能力を必要とするエクササイズを始めました。その中に、箸とハサミを上手に使うという課題があります。 箸で小さなものをつまむのが難しいと子もいれば、簡単だと思う子もいました。もっと練習すれば、みんな楽しみながら技術を身につけることができると思います。 算数では、物の数え方と一緒に、数字を書く練習を続けています。このような自主的な活動は、数を数えるだけでなく、数を認識する能力を高める機会にもなっています。

The children have been working on matching the onset and rimes, creating CVC words with word families, and distinguishing initial sounds in the words during phonic lessons. They have also been practicing writing these words during writing. The challenge of holding their pencils correctly and writing with correct strokes are some reasons for more practice!


Since our walk to the shrine restarted last week, we have been able to catch the last glimpse of the insects and minibeasts before they go into hibernation mode or migrate to warmer regions soon. The children were excited to see and catch worms, caterpillars, moths, grasshoppers and alike as we went on our walks. We are loving the cooler weather as autumn came upon us all of a sudden!


急な秋の訪れに、体調を崩してしまうお子さんが数名いました。週末はゆっくり過ごしていただき、また元気に登園してくれることを、楽しみにしています。Have a great long weeked!

TOP / What are the color food groups stand for? SVRF 9/22