


Happy Hours – Milky Way 9/20 – 9/22

Let kids be kids! 🙂



Aside from fun educational activities Milky Way enjoys, We also give importance to our students’ FREE PLAY TIME where they can use their imagination or enjoy physical activities of their choice; this is not just a usual downtime where one can relax and let time pass, but this time helps the students to develop cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being.


Here is a glimpse of some of our Happy Hours in our class! Enjoy!


Free Play Time: Milky Way’s Happy Hour!

We concluded not just Unit II this week, but also the Milky Way House Cup: Each team gave their best and worked hard to win every challenge they were given. This unit helped the students to understand the importance of teamwork and its benefit to everybody who is aiming to achieve a goal. The trophy given to the champion symbolizes the elements of Teamwork: Unity, Collaboration, Communication, and Sportsmanship. This trophy is in the Milky Way classroom and will be a continuous reminder for everybody of the essence and importance of teamwork.

今週はUnit2と同時に、Milky Way House Cupも終わりを迎えました。どのチームともベストを尽くし、与えられたチャレンジに勝つために一生懸命取り組みました。このユニットで、子ども達はチームワークの大事さ、それは目標達成を目指すすべての人にとって有益であることを理解することができました。チャンピオンになったチームに贈られたトロフィーは、チームワークの要素である「団結」「協力」「コミュニケーション」「スポーツマンシップ」を象徴しています。このトロフィーはクラスに飾ってあり、チームワークの本質と重要性を常に思い出させてくれることでしょう。

For our Japanese Lesson this week, We reviewed all the characters we have studied so far by playing games. The students were so engaged and had so much fun!


This week has been super short, but as always, it was fun! We’re so happy that our Sports Festival went well and smoothly. All of the ISN Minami Campus teachers were so happy to see our beloved parents at this important event! We all hope that you had fun and a memorable experience with us and our students.


Happy Long Weekend to all of us! Be safe and stay Healthy and Happy! 🙂


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Happy Hours – Milky Way 9/20 – 9/22