
Shimauchi Preschool


The Highlight of the week! (SV/RF 5/30-6/2)

A picture speaks thousands of words. We hope you can feel the joy of your child and how much fun they had on the bus trip to the ALPs Park this week. It was a tight schedule jam packed with fun activities! As soon as we arrived, everyone’s eyes brightened up along with lots of laughter and wows. They put down their backpacks and raced to the playground. The children climbed and jumped off the structures as they have never played before.  We hiked up to the animal habitats leading to the petting zoo, and no one complained of being tired! The children kept on repeating how much they love having the picnic under the shading trees! They all admired and talked about what they had brought in those decorative lunch boxes. They sure devoured those scrumptious lunches in seconds! Then we moved on to the final part of the trip, the larger jungle gym where children were amazed with excitement. They utilized every play equipment that was out there and had a blast. Last but not least, the grand finale was a long stretch of slide! Boy, did they have a marvelous time shouting their way down those rolling slides! It was an amazing bus trip that we have been looking forward to and it sure was worth every minute of it! I am sure you will hear all about it in the days to come! 
公園へ行くまでのバスの中ではみんなワクワク感を隠しきれない様でした。公園に到着するとすぐにみんなの表情がとびっきりの笑顔で明るくなりました。遊具のある場所に着くと急いでバックパックを置き、遊具に向かって走り出しました。色々な形の遊具で色々な遊び方を見つけ出すことができました!フリープレーの時間があっという間に終わり、次は動物園の周りをハイキングしながら色々な動物を見つけました。ハイキングの後はヤギさん達と豚さんと触れ合いたいむ!やぎさんもぶたさんもとても優しい静かな動物で、自由に触らせてくれて子ども達はとても喜んでいました。午前中にこんなにたくさんのことをしたのに、誰も疲れを訴えることはありませんでした!そして待ちに待ったランチタイム!子ども達はみんな木陰でピクニックをするのが大好きな様で、ずっと「I love picnic!」と言っていました。お父さんお母さんが一生懸命作ってくれた素敵なお弁当をみんな喜んで頬張っていました。とても幸せそうでした💖ランチを食べ終え、お次は大きなジャングルジムに移動。ほとんどの子ども達は全ての遊具を試したようで、アルプスパークを遊び尽くしました。最後は、グランドフィナーレ!とっても長〜い滑り台!みんなは滑り台を滑りながら今日1日を締めくくる雄叫びをあげていました(笑)今回の遠足は天気にも恵まれ、とても素晴らしいバス遠足になりました。子ども達が語る遠足の思い出を十分にお楽しみください♪

The children helped plant a vegetable garden this week as well. After several practices with their own bean plants and flower garden, they are now experts at planting! Look at how well they placed the tomatoes and cucumbers into the soil and carefully watered them! Well done everyone! 

As promised, we have finally opened our class lunch box shop this month! Inspired by the children’s interest through their play, we noticed how they love selling things using paper coin money that was available in class. This gave us the opportunity to explore this interest further by making a dramatic play corner by making their own lunch box and shop with the play money they have made last month. They even created their own impromptu juice! If this pans out well, we will continue to open ice cream shops in summer! 

Gym and outdoor playgrounds are always a fun and must activity of the week. The children just love the simple games that Ms, Shino plays with them and what is more beneficial is having fun while exercising their bodies! 

This week Ms. Taeko talked about dental health and hygiene with the children. Using the animated bear and some fun tools, the children understood the importance of brushing their teeth correctly. In this month it will be fun to ask the children what they know about dental hygiene and watch them practice at home! 
今週は6月4日の虫歯の日にちなんで歯磨きの大切さについて話しました。Mr . Bearを使い、みんなもクマさんのように歯磨きをしないで寝てしまったら虫歯だらけになってしまう、虫歯になってしまうと大人の歯もしっかり生えてこないかも!と伝えると、みんな「やだ〜」と言い「歯磨きちゃんとする!」と約束してくれました🦷  正しい歯の磨きかたについても話しました。その日のランチは1対1で歯をしっかり磨けているかのチェックもしました。みんなとても上手にできていたので、お家でも確認してみてくださいね!

This week in writing the children learned about the special letter formation of e, u, i and j. They love the “hit the ball, run the bases” chant for letter e. With a little more practice they will be able to write their own words soon! We can already see improvements in their penmanship, they are becoming more legible for sure. 

Thanks to all the parents who helped fill out the “family bonding survey”! We were able to have a discussion and understand each other better through the descriptions the parents put down. We couldn’t have done it without your support and willingness to share your family bonding moments with us. So far we have heard lots of positive feedback from the families and they sure power us to do better and more together.  We hope as the children finish their “My favorite place to go with the family” project , they will gain a better understanding of this unit. We sure hope through these activities they will understand the importance of spending quality time together with their families and thus leading to the building up of their confidence level. 

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / The Highlight of the week! (SV/RF 5/30-6/2)