
Shimauchi Preschool



Time flies so fast! We are now heading on our 3rd month in Canyon class!✨ Our journey is getting more exciting and interesting as time goes by… This week, our youngsters had a chance to practice taking a walk outside the campus for the first time!!! It was a short walk yet a very fulfilling one! We enjoyed the scenery and nature around our campus.🌳⛰️🚦🚉🚘 Everybody was very attentive and principled in following our rules. We were so happy that we finally made it!!! During our free play, our little ones had fun watching the river flows, chasing butterflies, running back & forth, watching a long worm crawling, and a caterpillar climbing on the plant.🦋🐛 It’s good to see them appreciating our mother nature.🍃

早いもので、キャニオンクラスも3ヶ月目に突入しました✨ 時間が経つにつれ、毎日の活動はより刺激的で面白いものとなっています♪ 今週、初めてキャンパスの外を散歩しました!!!木陰がある川沿いの歩道まで約束を守って安全に歩きました。景色や自然を満喫し、充実したお散歩となりました🌳🚦🚉🚘 自由遊びでは、川の流れを見たり、蝶々を追いかけたり、かけっこをしたり、ミミズや毛虫を見つけ観察したり🐛🍃とたくさんの自然に感謝して楽しめました!!

Rainy season has come!🌧️
Our young ones made a cute frog craft!🐸 Since we are learning about shapes in our LOI2, they chose what shapes they like to use for the frog’s face and eyes. Well done!⭐

梅雨の季節がやってきましたね!🌧️ かわいいカエルのクラフトを作りました!🐸LOI2の中で図形を学んでいるので、カエルの顔や目を四角/丸/三角の形に用意して、自分達で選んで作りました⭐︎(*^^*)下駄箱の壁に飾ってあるので見てみてください。

It has been a very productive week for our youngsters!🌟 We were on the last week of our LOI2 lesson. We reviewed our central idea which is to know about ourselves and the people around us, our differences, know how to be open-minded. We also wrapped up our discussion about the types of shapes. To make our class more fun, we played the “Shape Stop Dance”. The teacher played a song with different shapes spread on the floor and when the music stopped, the teacher gave them 5 seconds to find and step on the specific shape. They enjoyed this game a lot!🤩

充実した一週間を過ごしたキャニオンのみんな、LOI2レッスンも最終週。自分自身と周りの人々について知る事、同じ事や違いについて知る事、それを受け入れる心を再度話し合いました。形の種類についてさらに楽しい授業にするために”Shape Stop Dance “をしました。音楽が止まったら5秒で指定された形を見つけ、その上でストップ!!楽しかったね!🤩

On the last day of our LOI2, our little ones chose their favorite shape and they traced, colored, and presented it in front of the class. On their worksheet presentation, we practiced saying “I like _____________ (shape) and it’s color ______________!”🎖️ To make this activity more exciting, we played a “Guessing Game”. The rules on this game were: the students have to listen, be watchful, and they have to remember their friend’s favorite shape and its color. Then, the student who’s presenting in front have the floor to call their friend who they’d like to answer. This activity aims to develop student’s connectivity with the people around them and to remember their friends’ and teachers’ names.✨ Every students who got the correct answer, we moved their picture on the “open-minded” flashcard. Because it means, they showed respect to their friend’s favorites and by listening to them carefully.⭐

LOI2 の最終日、子ども達は好きな形を選びそれをなぞってから自分の好きな色で色を塗りました。「私は○○(形)が好きで、色は○○です!」とクラスの前で発表する練習もしました🥇この発表を生かして「推理ゲーム」をして楽しみました。先生が「○○の好きな形と色覚えてる人!」と質問をします。他のお友達は手を上げる。発表した生徒が友達を指名し答えてもらいます。このゲームは、友達の話をよく聞き、その子の好きな形と色を覚えておかなければなりません。また、友達や先生の名前を覚える事も目的としています✨ 正解した生徒は、フラッシュカードの「オープンマインド」のところに自分の顔写真を移動します。これは、友達の好きな物を尊重し、その人の話をよく聞いたという意味です⭐とっても盛り上がりましたよ〜🎉💕!

What a way to end this week!!!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!💟



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / THE BEAUTY OF THE COUNTRYSIDE- Canyon May 30th-June 3rd