
Shimauchi Preschool


The hydrangeas are in full bloom! SV/RF 5/27

The season of hydrangea is right around the corner! The children made their very own hydrangea this week and they turned out to be a masterpiece! We have displayed them at the school entrance, please take a look when you get a chance! We hope the families will find many different colors and variations of hydrangeas in your neighborhood. 
あじさいの季節がもうすぐ訪れます!今週、子どもたちは自分たちオリジナルのあじさいを作りました。とても素敵なカラフルな紫陽花が出来ました💖 スクールのエントランスに展示しておりますので、機会があればぜひご覧ください!ご近所で色々な色のバリエーションの紫陽花を見つけられるといいですね😉

The bean plants we have planted at the beginning of April have been blooming! It is time to transfer them to a bigger “house” where they can get more “leg room” and continue to grow. The children each got their pots and carefully they filled their pots with rocks, pebbles, soil, mulch and topped it with another layer of nutritious soil. We have placed the bean plants indoors so the children can water and take care of the plants after they unpack their backpacks each morning. So far they have been doing really well at watering their plants, and we have seen some new sprouts since it has been transplanted. We hope the plants grow strong with the children’s TLC! 
4月上旬に植えた豆がどんどん育っています!大きくなりすぎて当初の袋から飛び出してしまったので、大きな「お家」に移しました。きっとこれから新しいお家で伸び伸びと成長し続けることができると思います。子どもたちはそれぞれ一つずつ鉢を持ち、慎重に小石や土などを入れ、最後に栄養価の高い土の層を一番上にかぶせました。毎朝登園後、自分の身支度が終わった後、子どもたちが自分で水をやり、植物の世話をすることができるように、植物をクラス内に置きました。今のところ、毎朝順調に水を与えることができています😉 鉢に移してからも、いくつかの新しい芽が出てきているのを確認しました👏 子供たちのTLC(Tender loving careー優しい愛情のこもったケア)で植物が強くたくましく育つことを願っています!✨

This week we have been gifted with fair weather where we can play at the park either by bus or walk. The children loved going back to the big park which we haven’t been able to since the COVID situation worsened at the beginning of this year. Though they complained how it was hot, nonetheless they still got a blast climbing the play structures and collecting nature items! In the school yard, the children also enjoyed playing in the sand pit with new sand toys or kicking and tossing balls with a friend. With the warmer days coming we make sure the children get replenished often enough to prevent dehydration. 
今週もまた、外で思い切り遊ぶことができる晴天に恵まれました🌞 今年の初めにコロナウイルスの状況が悪化して以来、この大きな公園に来ることができていませんでした。子ども達の大好きな大きな公園に戻ることができてとても幸せそうでした💖 子ども達は暑さについて少し不満を漏らしていましたが、それでも元気に遊具に登り、ネイチャーアイテムを集めたりで大忙しでした!園庭では、新しい砂場のおもちゃで遊んだり、友達とボールを蹴ったり投げたりして楽しんでいました。夏が近づいているので、脱水症状を防ぐため水分補給をしっかりしています。

As we moved on to LOI 2 in our UOI lesson, we talked about bonding with family members. The word “bonding” sounds foreign to the children initially, however, after a week of discussions they gradually understood bonding means spending time with family members doing something they love. We challenged the children this week by making 3D family members. The children picked their family members with pre-cut paper dolls, decorated them with various outfits, and glued them onto a toilet paper roll. The final step is to design a place they would like to go with their family and make it with the boxes. Next week the children will present and share their “family outing” project during the UOI lesson along with the survey we sent home a couple weeks ago. We hope they will share their experiences with you in the weeks to come. 
UOIのレッスンではLOI2をスタートし、家族との絆について話しました。 最初は子どもたちにとって「絆」という言葉は、少し理解するのが難しかった様ですが、1週間の話し合いの後、絆は家族と一緒に好きなことをして楽しむことを意味すると、徐々に理解しました。今週は3Dファミリーメンバー作りに挑戦しました。子どもたちは先生が切って用意した紙人形の中から家族メンバーを選び、服を着せ、トイレットペーパーの芯に貼りました。最後のステップは、家族と一緒に行きたい場所を選んで、箱でそれをデザインして作ることです。来週は、数週間前にお願いしたアンケートの発表と一緒に、「家族の外出」プロジェクトを発表し、みんなでシェアします。色々な楽しい家族のアクティビティの話が聞けることを願っています✨

The children always keep themselves busy through the many activities we have in the class. They love observing the nature items in the science area, as well as sharpening their skills through workstations activities. The children waste no time while they wait for the rest of the class to get ready during transitions.  They have learned to utilize their time well by either drawing a picture or reading a book. They also love the chants, stories, and math games we play at circle time.  There is never a dull moment in the classroom!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / The hydrangeas are in full bloom! SV/RF 5/27