
Shimauchi Preschool


Trial and Error RF 3/11

This week children learned that in science there is no absolute and that not all experiments will turn out the way we expected. Children learned to make hypotheses before they carried out the experiments. Through several trial and error, children learned that oil is lighter than water, their understanding deepened as they explored and manipulated with the materials on their own. As an extension to what they have learned in Unit 4, we discussed how the pollution in the air caused acid rain. They manipulated the materials to see the simulation themselves. Many commented, “that is really bad. We need to stop using fossil fuels.” The children requested to continue these experiments in the days that followed. It is amazing what a little science can do to understand big concepts!


What a pleasant day to be out, digging tunnels in the sandbox, drawing favorite characters on the driveway or just to run around under the sun. Due to the quasi emergency measure, the children have not been able to go to the park. Many commented their wish to visit the park before they graduate. Unfortunately we won’t be able to say whether this dream will have a chance to come true or not. While we can’t visit the park, the children still made their time worthwhile by getting outdoor play time daily. 


If there is anything we wish the children will take away with them and turn it into a lifelong habit, is that no matter what they do, do it to their best ability. Whether it was having fun playing, enjoying their hobbies, or studying the various subjects at school. The children have matured a lot over the past year. With only a couple of weeks until graduation, they have shown us how they can work independently during phonics, reading, and math lessons. It is such an encouraging thing to see them becoming independent, balanced, and curious learners! 


We just love watching the children being creative during free play time. This is such a vital period where children use their imagination and creativity to interact with each other and materials. It is amazing to see what an array of things they can come up with! The choices they made will help them become more independent thinkers and great communicators as they learn to solve social problems. The benefits of play time are so tremendous that we cannot stress enough its importance in these children’s lives.


Finally the children had their final fire drill at ISN preschool. They are now able to respond with all the right answers as they have learned the steps and procedures if they ever witness a fire or earthquakes. Kudos to their excellent learning aptitudes! Practice makes perfect!  


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