
Shimauchi Preschool


Our Roles and Responsibilities in the Classroom Canyon/Savanna January 24-28

Hello everyone!

こんにちは みなさん

This week in UOI, we continued learning about LOI2: Roles and responsibilities to keep our classroom organised. Before we start with our UOI lesson, I play the Clean Up song on the music player, so that we can look around our classroom if there is something we have to organise or clean up. In LOI2, we learned that students have roles and responsibilities too. We have two HELPERS everyday and for the day they are going to be the line leader, caboose, meal helpers, and writing helpers. Since we have been doing this ever since, they already know what their responsibilities are as helpers and they will continue doing this. Here are some pictures of them doing their responsibilities at school.

今週のUOIでは、LOI2: 役割と責任について、教室の整理整頓を引き続き学びました。UOI のレッスンを始める前に、ミュージックプレーヤーで Clean Up の曲を流し、教室を整理したり、片付けたりしなければならないことがあれば、それを見渡せるようにしています。LOI2 では、子ども達にも役割と責任があることを学びました。毎日2人のHELPERSがあり、その日はラインリーダー(列に並ぶ時に一番前に立ち、見守ります)カブース( 列に並ぶ時に一番後ろに立ち、見守ります )ミールヘルパー(給食時の手伝い)ライティングヘルパー( ライティング の時の手伝い)になります。以来、ずっと続けているので、子ども達はすでにヘルパーとしての責任が何かを解り、これからもこれを続けていきます。この写真は、園でそれぞれの役割をこなしているところです。

In reading and writing, they finished tracing letters Ll and Mm and they have been showing lots of improvement from holding the pencil properly, following the number guides in writing each letter, and sitting nicely when writing.We started reading CVC words with the vowel /e/ sound such as pet, wet, vet, net, and jet.


On February 3rd, the Setsubun festival will be celebrated. It is a fun Japanese festival celebrated the day before the first day of spring (on February 3rd). As preparation for this, our class made an Oni mask. They painted the paper plate which would become the face,  cut some parts of it, and completed it by drawing the face parts and pasting the horns and yarn as hair. Well done, everyone!


Our outdoor play was really fun. They enjoyed playing with the hula hoops. We did a Rolling Hoop Catch wherein they had to roll the hula hoop along the ground and have them try to catch it before it falls to the ground. They also tried to spin the hoop and jump into it before it stopped. There are so many activities that we can do using hula hoops and our boys and girls tried it themselves.


At the gym, aside from doing forward rolls which they can already do perfectly, they also enjoyed imitating the movements of animals like giraffe, crocodile, and duck. Running around the circle was also fun. They had to run around the circle and everytime the teacher blew the whistle, they had to turn around to change the direction.


Since the COVID-19 alert level is rising again, we would want to inform our students and be mindful about it by reading books on how to prevent the spread of the virus like washing and sanitising their hands properly, gargling, and wearing their mask correctly. We posted a picture on the wall to remind them how to wear their mask properly and it’s good that they are able to follow it.


Thank you so much for reading this blog. Have a wonderful weekend!


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