
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Preparations are still underway for our year end celebration. The students decided to invite the other classes to this event so they are working hard to prepare. They have been making streamers, pictures for the balloons, candy (Craft not real candy), and the pictures for the bags the candy comes in. They are very excited to share what they have done with everyone!

今週もYear End Celebrationの準備を進めています✨
Milky Wayクラスのお友達は、このCelebrationに南松本キャンパスのお友達みんなを招待する事に決めました♩
“Pokemon Day”は来週の火曜日に開催です♩

Gym class has been fun as always. The students stretch first, then play games, and lastly they practice jump roping. They are preparing to use individual jump ropes soon so all the exercises and games have been to help them prepare for their next task. We all look forward to it!

Milky Wayのお友達は楽しいジムの時間が大好きです♩

保育園生活最後のクリスマスショー!たくさん練習を重ねてきたので”Milky Wayらしい”元気いっぱいの演技を披露することが出来そうです✨
そして、Milky Wayクリスマスショーチャレンジとしてカラオケバージョン(CDに歌声が入っていない音源)で歌を歌います!!
Milky Wayのお友達みんなの元気な歌声をお楽しみください♩

We hope everyone has a wonderful and fun weekend!