
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


IN EVERY GOODBYE, THERE'S A HELLO- Rainbow Nov 29th-Dec 3rd

This week was a very special week for our Rainbow class! Ms. Etsuko waved goodbye to us this Tuesday. It was a very emotional moment for all of us, but we were so happy and grateful to her and for everything that she did for our class this past 8 months.💕 Congratulations, Ms. Etsuko!!!🤗



Also, this Wednesday, we welcomed Ms. Ayako- the new Rainbow teacher… Our little ones were so happy to meet her and play with her! Everybody was so excited to have fun and create new sweet memories with you, Ms. Ayako!!!💕

また、今週の水曜日には、新たに、あやこ先生を迎えました。子ども達はあやこ先生に会い、一緒に遊べることをとても喜んでいました。 あやこ先生、新しい素敵な思い出を一緒に作っていくことに、レインボーの子ども達はワクワクしています!!!

This week, we discussed “clothes” for the time and had a “Clothes and Body Parts” activity. Our young ones matched the clothes on the left side with the corresponding body parts on the right side. Well done!🌟

今週は「衣類」について話し合い「Clothes and Body Parts」というアクティビティに取り組みました。 子ども達は、(左側の)衣類のイラストと(右側の)その服を身に着ける体の部位のイラストを選び、線で結びました。よく出来ました!

We are now getting closer to our big event- Christmas show!🎅🏻 Our little ones are doing their very best in our practice. Here’s the glimpse of what they’ve been accomplished so far. ⭐

一大イベントのクリスマスショーが間近に迫っています!子ども達は一生懸命練習しています。 ここに、これまでの頑張りを垣間見ることができます。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨


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