
Shimauchi Preschool


Christmas Show Countdown! Canyon Nov.22-26

クリスマスショーカウントダウン! サバンナ、キャニオン 11月22日〜26日

Hello everyone!


Wow! We only have a few days left before December. We feel like time is going faster as the days pass by and we only have less than three weeks before our Christmas show! Canyon/Savanna students are very excited for this special event!


In UOI, we started with our LOI3: Ways to express different feelings through performance. In this LOI, we are going to focus on our play for the upcoming Christmas show in December. We took a video of their performance during the practice and watched it together. This is to show them how they are doing in their performance now, and see how they can improve more, like how to walk and stand nicely on stage, how to deliver their lines with appropriate feelings and emotions, and how to sing and dance at the same time. We also reviewed each characters’ lines, identified what feelings or emotions were expressed, and tried to apply those emotions in their lines.


In Math, we practiced writing number 9 and counted up to 9 objects. Last week, I introduced to them our new lesson which is AB Pattern. AB pattern is a pattern consisting of two colors or objects repeated twice in a sequence. For example, red-blue-red-blue-red-blue. Students also started making their own AB pattern using pompoms. 


In Phonics, we continue to learn about matching uppercase letters to lowercase letters. We focused on the letters Gg, Hh, and Ii. To know if the students have knowledge of those lowercase letters, we gave them magnetic letters on the table and asked them to find the lowercase letters g, h, and i. I found out that there were confusing letters for them such as g and q, and h and n. In this activity, we were able to differentiate those confusing  letters.


We also did a Cut and Paste Alphabet Match activity wherein students had to cut the lowercase letters and paste them on the box that matches the uppercase letter. It was good to also practice their cutting skills. Everyone did a great job in matching the letters!


In writing, Canyon class practiced writing both uppercase and lowercase letters Cc.


This month, we conducted an Earthquake drill in school. Students were reminded of what to do to stay safe in case of an earthquake. Of course, they also have to follow the rules O-HA-SHI-MO.


Osanai- Do not push.


Hashiranai- Do not run.


Shaberanai- Do not talk.


Modoranai- Do not come back.


We went to the gym on Friday. We did more active physical exercises to help warm our bodies in this cool weather. Their favorite was imitating the crocodile’s walk going through the tunnel. Last time they also did snake slither and seal slide.This is great gross motor activity for little ones because they are able to use their imaginations and pretend to be animals they have seen in books or even at the zoo.


Canyon students have been enjoying playing Mr. Wolf! Everyone wants to be the wolf and chase their friends, and pretend to eat them for dinner!


That’s it! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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