
Shimauchi Preschool


Having a blast in the autumn weather! RF

It has been such nice autumn weather these days that the children really have a blast playing at the parks. We found a new park to visit by bus the other day, and the children really enjoyed having the varieties of playgrounds to play with. They had the most fun with the zip lines and the spider web looking climbing structures, these really brightened up their days. As the weather gets chilly in the days to come we might have to alter the regular walk to the small park, but meanwhile, we will enjoy nature before the brutal winter rolls in. 


As we concluded on the celebration of new years around the world, the children had quite a lot of fun learning about the Lunar New Year. They especially enjoyed making the simple dumplings! We are glad to hear many families shared how much they loved how the dumplings tasted! Nothing beats handmade dumplings and a home cooked meal! Many children have responded by saying that they would love to make dumplings with their families at home. It will be such a fun activity to do with your child for sure! Please feel free to try it at home, they will no doubt make a great meal with the hotpot during the winter season.


This week our uoi highlights are the special guests who have come to share the special celebrations from their home countries. Mr. Thapelo shared about South African celebrations, its traditional outfits, and taught the children how to dance the special dance! Ms. Fronie and Mr. Martyn both shared about how they celebrate Christmas. It was quite interesting to learn that Christmas is celebrated for 4 months in the Philippines! On the contrary, in Northern Ireland Christmas is celebrated in three days with families gathering to share a meal and to the poor as well. What a great spirit of giving! 

今週のUOIのハイライトは、スペシャルゲストがそれぞれの国の特別なお祝いを伝えに来てくれたことです。Mr. Thapeloは、南アフリカのお祭りや伝統的な衣装について話し、子どもたちに特別なダンスを教えてくれました。Ms. FronieとMr. Martynさんは、それぞれの国のクリスマスの祝い方について話してくれました。フィリピンではクリスマスを4ヶ月間祝うということを知り、とても興味深かったです。逆に北アイルランドでは、クリスマスは3日間で祝い、家族が集まって食事を共にし、貧しい人たちにも分け与えるそうです。素晴らしい精神ですね。

The children have been practicing making simple sentences with the words they have learned so far. Their sentence making skills are certainly getting better! 

This week the children decorated the Christmas tree with ornaments that they had made a couple weeks ago. Everyone all said they would like to make more ornaments to go on the tree! 


Last but not least, the children enjoyed the tennis lesson since we haven’t had a chance to go last month due to the events. They are learning new skills and getting better at hitting the balls. 


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