
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


The Autumn Leaves – Shooting Star 11/1 – 11/5

It was another fun week for Shooting Star!

The most fun activity we had this week was picking dried leaves on the ground in the park. The leaves have started changing colors and seeing leaves with different colors, shapes and designs brought the whole class happiness. The leaves will be used in our craft next week! Let’s look forward to that.

We have been practicing making a story in UOI. Learning about the 5ws does not just help the student to understand and appreciate stories more, but also stimulates their creativity thus helping them to come up with a full-blown story.
UOIでは物語をつくる練習をしています。先週から学んでいる5Ws(Who, Where, What, When, Why)は物語を理解するための大切な質問です。5Wを考えることは、子どもの創造力も刺激します。

More on 5Ws: WHO – Characters, WHERE – Settings, WHAT – Actions, WHEN – Time and Day, WHY – Reasons. The students here arranged the story they made on the card and put it under the correct question.

We cap the Line of Inquiry 2 off by making a story map of the story: The Three Little Pigs. The students were tasked to give the details about the story by answering the 5W questions and putting its sequence in the correct order.

The Christmas Show is coming soon and the whole of ISN have started rehearsing for their performance. Our lovely shooting star is doing a wonderful job so far. They memorize their line, songs, and steps very well. The next step is the actions for the play! We can’t wait to complete the whole production for the play and show it to our friends and family!
ピノキオの練習ですが、みんなとても楽しいようで「Do you want to practice?」と聞くと全員が「Yes!!!!」と、とても元気のいい返事が必ず返ってきて、私たちにとってとても嬉しい反応です🥰これからクリスマスショーまで、毎日みんなで楽しく練習できるよう努めます💪👍

Till the next blog, everyone! Have a great weekend! 🙂

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / The Autumn Leaves – Shooting Star 11/1 – 11/5