
Shimauchi Preschool


Finally, the long waited Halloween is here! RF 10/28

This has been a long anticipated event ever since this summer. The children have been talking about their Halloween costumes all month long! It finally happened! Though we are still in the midst of the pandemic, with the decline in the infection numbers we are so glad to be able to hold this event. Thank you all for coming, and we hope that you have enjoyed it as much as your child did. 


The children made Christmas ornaments in accordance with the celebration topic of Christmas. They were all so creative in coming up with their authentic design. This week we moved on to the new year celebration by watching a few clips of how the new year is celebrated throughout the world. We started off by discussing how each child celebrated their new year. Many of them had a difficult time remembering the new year tradition in their own family. However, as we discussed it brought back a bit of remembrance of the new year symbols and traditions or food eaten in their families. We also compared and contrasted how the new year is celebrated in Japan vs the United States. Many children expressed how they would like to celebrate the new year with fireworks and parties. The children went on to design and paint their own fireworks arts as an extension of the new year topic.


The children started practicing writing simple sentences on their own. Up to this point, they have been copying the sentences after we have discussed and practiced saying the sentences. However, we feel it is time for the children to use their phonemic awareness skills and try spelling words on their own. With minimal assistance, the children tried their best to spell words according to its phonic sounds. It was amazing to see them taking on the challenge and the result is wonderful! 


As October is coming to an end, it is time to gear up for the practice of our winter show. The children took the time this month to learn their individual lines, and have now moved on to say their lines with their peers. They will focus on the volume and gestures in the month ahead. If things go well, we foresee by the end of November they should be pretty much ready to stand on the stage and give their performance. We are really looking forward to showing you all their endeavors and efforts that the children have put in for this show!  


This month in the gym the children have been practicing jump rope in groups. It was especially difficult when it came to jumping with a friend in sync, not to mention it has recently increased to three people! Some children were fearless and daring to try, while some hesitated and had a hard time joining in. However, with more practice, we are sure the children will get the hang of it and eventually enjoy this new game they have learned. 


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Finally, the long waited Halloween is here! RF 10/28