
Shimauchi Preschool


Who is up for some new challenges? RF 8/30

This is another fun filled, exhilarating, mind boggling, and thrilling week!  The children were challenged to the core during the team building games, and yet they want more! Even though they felt butterflies in their stomachs, and racing heartbeats, their curiosity and energy propelled them to continue to take on the next challenge.

今週も、楽しさいっぱい、爽快感いっぱい、心躍るようなスリリングな一週間でした。 チームビルディングのゲームには、みんな本当に一生懸命チャレンジし、もっとやりたい!という声があがりました。そわそわしたり、心臓がどきどきしたりしても、好奇心とエネルギーいっぱいでゲームに挑み続けました。

Whos’ up for some chopstick fun? In this bean transfer challenge the children were divided into teams, they had to work together and speedily transfer the beans with chopsticks to the other side. It was their first time doing it, many children had a hard time keeping the beans “safe” until they crossed to the other side. They all wanted to continue to play after 2 tries. We talked about the importance of working together as a team. They all learned that with everyone doing their part and communicating with each other they can overcome any challenges to achieve their goals.


The children had their 2nd team challenge game this week. In this ping pong tunnel game they were to work together in creating a paper tunnel for the ping pong ball to roll into their designated basket/bowl. It was not an easy task as each one must connect their paper with others to create a smooth flow. And the more challenging part is to make sure they aim it correctly so the ping pong ball rolls into their destination without falling through the gaps. The children had at least 5 tries before they finally got a hang of it. In the end we talked about the importance of everyone pitching in and communicating their ideas to their team by using kind words as they relate their messages.


Listening acquisition is a trained skill indeed. Aside from all the team challenges during the UOI lesson this week, the children also learned crucial listening skills by carrying out step-by-step tasks following the teacher’s instructions. Almost the whole class had trouble accomplishing the correct instructions, very few children finished the task with 100 % accuracy. The activity left some children feeling confused and a bit frustrated. In our post group discussion, they all found out that in order to carry out a task with the most accuracy, they must listen attentively without getting distracted by the surroundings. It is also important to listen to others instead of insisting on their own thoughts. Having a listening ear is also crucial in teamwork. As each one must listen to their teammates and be able to focus and carry out the tasks in joint efforts.


Every cloud has its silver lining, if it wasn’t for the COVID 19 pandemic the children will probably not have such a fun alternative to pianica. Some children got a bit shy when they were asked to perform some awkward yet fun movements along with the music. That was a twist to their regular routine, and in the end they all loved it!


Phonic, journal writing, and guided reading are all integral parts of training the children to be better readers and writers. We can see how the children have progressed through these hands-on activities and most importantly how much they enjoyed the process of doing them. We have also witnessed how they utilized what they have learned throughout the day. Whether it is during their play, when they want to label the signs for their projects, or when they want to make a letter to someone they care just to cheer them up, or to practice how many sight words they have remembered by writing the words on the whiteboards. Those are the golden moments when learning makes sense and they can expand  what they have learned and apply these skills in real life!


“What did you make? “ I questioned the children, and they responded, “We are making a ropeway with trams going up to the mountain. This is the ropeway station, you have to take the tram from here.  There are oceans and monsters under the ropeway and if you fall, you will be eaten by the monsters! “ They asked us to help write sentences and label the signs as they brainstormed and came up with these amazing projects!

とても一生懸命何かを作っているお友達が居て、「何を作ったの?」と質問すると、「山に行くためのロープウェイを作っているんだよ!」と答えてくれました。「ここがロープウェイの駅で、ここからロープウェイに乗らなけいといけないの。 ロープウェイの下には海があってモンスターがいて、落ちたらモンスターに食べられてしまうんだ!」と答えてくれました。担任に文章を書くのを手伝ってもらったり、看板にラベルを貼ってもらったりしながら、アイデアを出して、このような素晴らしいプロジェクトを考えてくれました。

We all need each other! Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and this cannot be more true as children learned through this UOI activity of finding out what they and their friends are good at. In these two activities, the children were asked to look at a list of tasks/skills and think which of their friends are particularly good at a certain skill. After spending some time thinking, they were asked to walk around and ask their friends by saying, “I think you are good at (sports), could you please sign your name for me?” In the 2nd activity, they are to draw on a piece of puzzle what they think they are good at. Upon completion, we piece the puzzles together. In this activity the children learned how each one of us are important in our class. Just like the puzzle, we cannot be complete without everyone in class. We all play an important role in the makeup of Rainforest class and that is what makes us unique!


The children continue to learn about place value and review the clocks and number names during our weekly math lessons. We also create every opportunity for children to exercise their counting skills! They are getting more “math minded” lately and we are so glad to see them enjoying math lessons more than before!


What a day to take a little breather and play outside despite the spitting rain. Children loved how they could spend the greatly missed outside play over the course of scorching summer heat. It was such a pleasant breezy day to play tag, jump rope and just have a blast to run freely outside. Hopefully with the cooler weather approaching, we will be back to the outdoor walk soon.


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