
Shimauchi Preschool


Meeting Lots of Animals (Canyon July 12-16)

たくさんの動物たちとの出会い(サバンナ、キャニオン 7月12日~16日

Hello everyone!
Last week, we finished learning about farm animals! This week we continue to explore the animals living in the ocean, mountain, and river by watching interesting and exciting videos!


Since most of them already know some of the ocean animals, we just watched a video guessing game which they really enjoyed. Then, I gave them 3 pictures each and asked them to choose which animals live in the ocean and post them on the wall.


Before we talked about the mountain animals, we visited the google map and saw where Japan, Matsumoto, and our school are located. They discovered that the blue color on the map represents ocean and rivers, green for mountains and vegetation, and light brown for land. They found out that there are mountains and rivers around our school. Then, we watched a video of the two mountain adventurers who met different animals on the mountain. After that, they picked the picture of the animals they saw in the video and posted them on the wall.


For river animals, we listened to the sound of the water river flow and students guessed what kind of sound it was. We read the book entitled “My River” which revealed different river animals. Finally, they chose which among the pictures of animals were mentioned in the book.


This week our class made a craft which they can use while playing in the outside pool. We used a milk package, colorful tapes, and string. They made the handle by braiding 3 strings and decorated the box with different colors and shapes of tape. Now, they are enjoying playing with it in the pool!


In Math, we began to start practicing writing number 1. We are also learning about Ordering Numbers 1-10. If they learned to arrange numbers 1-10 in the right sequence before, now we are choosing which number is not in the right spot and rearranging them properly. For example in 5, 6, 10, 7, 8, 9 which number is incorrect in the sequence?


In Phonics, the letter of the week is L as in lion, leaf, lock, lamp, lotus, and ladder. They colored the pictures of those example words, did the mystery letter worksheet, and practiced writing the uppercase letter L


 Canyon class has been doing a great job in their Music class now. They are able to perform the activities according to the rhythm of the music.


At the gym, our boys and girls were very energetic and active in doing all the physical activities they were told to do. We were also able to review some of the animals while imitating their movements.


We had a chance to go to the park on Monday and they really enjoyed playing, running in the oval running track, and picking some flowers around.


For this month, we conducted a Stranger Drill in school. Students were taught and reminded what to do when a stranger comes or enters the school or even in outside places like a park.


IKANAI- Don’t come with a stranger.
NORANAI- Don’t ride in a stranger’s car.
OOGOEDESAKEBU- Scream out loud.
SUGUNIGERU- Run away quickly.
SHIRASERU- Let grown-ups know.

NORANAI- 知らない人の車に乗らない。
SHIRASERU- 大人や周りの人たちに知らせる。

This month also, we started to have our class’ everyday helpers. Each day we pick two names who are going to be the helpers. The helpers become the line and meal leaders. Meal leaders ask the class, “Do you have your lunch?…Put your hands together…1, 2…” to say Itadakimasu. Thank you for the food.


That’s it! Thank you so much for reading our weekly blog! Have a wonderful weekend!


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