
Shimauchi Preschool


Sharing the Planet! (Canyon July 5-9)

私たちは地球を共有している! (サバンナ、キャニオン 7月5日~9日)

Hello everyone and welcome back to our class’ weekly blog update!


As the month of July started, our class also opened a new Unit of Inquiry with the theme “Sharing the Planet” which focuses on the people and animal relationship. I showed them pictures of the planet earth, people, and animals and asked them the name of each. We then concluded that people and animals live on the same planet. To reveal our Central Idea, People’s actions impact animals, they work on word puzzles. The colors and numbers served as the clues to reveal the words and they really enjoyed it.

7月に入り、私たちのクラスでも「地球を共有する」というテーマで、人と動物の関係に焦点を当てた新しいテーマ別探究ユニット が始まりました。地球、人々、動物のイラストを見せて、それぞれの名前を聞いてみました。そして、人と動物は同じ地球に住んでいるという結論に達しました。「人の行動が動物に影響を与える」というセントラルアイデアを明らかにするために、言葉のパズルをしました。色や数字がヒントになったパズルで、みんなとても楽しんでいました。

Our first LOI is Animals in our environment. To assess if the students have knowledge about animals in different places such as the ocean, farm, mountain, and river, I asked them to pick a picture of an animal, name it, and classify which place it lives in. Most of them chose ocean and farm animals and were able to name those and put them in the right place.


The next day, we started to explore LOI1 and they learned that animals live in different habitats. First we talked about farm animals. We watched a video that our boys and girls really enjoyed. The sounds of each animal gave them clues to guess which animal is coming out next. They did a great job in naming the animals. Then, I asked them to take the pictures of the animals they saw in the video and post them on the farm animals poster. Good job!


In Phonics, the letter of the week is K as key, kangaroo, kettle, kite, kit, and king. They colored the pictures of the example words. Then searched for K and colored all the boxes to see the mystery letter. Finally, they practiced writing the uppercase of the said letter.
フォニックスでは、key, kangaroo, kettle, kite, kit, kingのように、今週の文字はKです。子どもたちは例示された単語の絵に色を塗りました。そして、「K」を探し、すべての□に色を塗って、謎の文字を見つけました。最後に、Kの大文字を書く練習をしました。

In Math, they practiced writing number 10 by doing the Rainbow Number 10 worksheet. We also had counting and recognizing numbers activity. I gave them cards with numbers written at the top and circles at the bottom. They have to fill up the circles with number counters according to the written numbers on top and make sure to count the objects accordingly. They can change their cards after the teachers check their work and do the same. This was a good activity for them because they were able to read the numbers and check themselves if they were counting the objects properly. Sometimes they were counting too fast that their count didn’t match the written number and they had to try again.

算数では、虹色の数字 10のワークシートを使って10の数字を書く練習をしました。また、数を数えたり、認識したりする活動も行いました。上に数字が書かれていて、下にその数の〇があるカードを渡しました。上に書かれた数字に合わせて、丸の中に数字のカウンターを入れ、それに合わせて物を数えるというものです。先生がチェックした後にカードを交換して、同じように数えます。子どもたちにとっては、数字を読んで、きちんと数えられているかどうかを自分で確認することができるので、良い活動だったと思います。時には、数えるのが速すぎて、書いてある数字と一致しないこともあり、もう一度やり直さなければなりませんでした。

On the days we couldn’t go outside, our boys and girls enjoyed playing with modeling clay. First they tried to mold different letters and then we let them enjoy it by creating anything they wanted. The girls were also having fun wearing dress up costumes and have a tea party! Thank you so much Rainforest class for sharing your costumes with us!


We went to the gym on Friday and they had fun doing all the activities prepared by the gym class instructor. They imitated different movements of the animals and enjoyed different rope activities. 


That’s all for this week. Thank you for reading. Enjoy your weekend!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Sharing the Planet! (Canyon July 5-9)