
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


It's more fun at Shooting Star (6/28-7/2)

It has been another exciting week for Shooting star!

The whole school has started having their “Pool Play”. Kids were all happy to play outside with their classmates while enjoying the cool water in the pool. It’s really a refreshing activity and a good encouragement for the kids to go to school every day.
今週から園庭プールが始まり、子ども達は大喜び!外は暑くても水は冷たくて気持ちがいいですね🏊 初日にプールに入れましたが、その後天気が悪くは入れませんでした。来週は晴れるといいですね!

While students enjoy their extra-curricular activities, they also experience fun in their academic lessons.

Math: Digital Game

Shooting star class practiced addition using a game online. In the game, an equation was given: They needed to add 2 numbers and find the answer. To do this, they used chips to visualize the numbers given on the screen. After that, they counted all the chips together and compared their answer with the game master’s answer to find out if their answer was correct or not. They all loved the activity and had so much fun.

More on Math: Short vs Tall

Writing: Making friends with the letters Rr, Ss, and Tt

For this week’s writing lessons, We practiced writing 3 letters: Rr, Ss, and Tt. They love writing so much that they are more familiar with the letters now, they know if a letter is a vowel or consonant; they know if it’s a tall, small or hanging letter. They get better every day and are more used to holding a pencil correctly now.

Phonics: Snap Words

In Phonics, we studied the words that we can read in a snap, the words that we recognize in a glance. Surprisingly, the snap words that were introduced to the class for the first time, some were able to read already. We dug deeper by learning the other snap words that we used. These are the steps we followed in learning a word: 1. Read it 2. Study it 3. Spell it 4 Write it 5. Use it.

In the activity, we used small whiteboards to help us study the words; Everyone had their own whiteboards and was able to practice writing and experiencing being a word scientist. It was a fun activity and we’ll do it again in the next meetings.

P.E: Getting Ready for the Sports Festival.

Physical Education is always one of the subjects that the students would always look forward to attending, and the reason is simply that they get to have fun while learning. Wednesday, they practiced more routines for the coming Sports Festival, they did racing, caterpillar, Merry-go-round, and Jellyfish. The students filled the gym with laughter as they couldn’t contain their excitement hanging out with the parachute.

Reading: Can You See?

For reading, we toured under the sea and discovered what animals we can see down under. In this book, two new vocabularies were introduced to the class: Stingrays, lobsters. They all had fun reading the book and it is very evident that they are getting better at reading every day.
リーディングではCan you see?という本を読み終えました。この本は海の生き物についての本です。色々な海の生き物を見つけることができました!みんなこの本が好きだったようで、数名の子が「I like this book!」と教えてくれました🥰

Out and About: Tokyo Interior Park

Before we end this blog, let us share our first trip to Tokyo Interior Park this year. Although we were not able to use the playing structure, we still enjoyed playing and moving around the park. It was a fun day for all of us!

Till the next blog, our dear followers and beloved parents!

See you!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / It's more fun at Shooting Star (6/28-7/2)