
Shimauchi Preschool


Let’s be caring! (Canyon: June 14-18)

思いやりの心を持とう! (6月14日〜18日)

Hello everyone and welcome back to Canyon/Savanna’s weekly blog!

皆さん、こんにちは! Canyon/Savvannaのブログへようこそ!
This week in the UOI lesson, we continue to explore the message of the book “We Are All Different”. We learned that it’s ok to have different family members, hobbies, or skin type. There are children who live with their mom and dad, live with two dads, live with mom/dad only, or live with grandpa/grandma only. There are people who enjoy fishing, skateboarding, painting, playing an instrument, riding a bike, reading a book, watching TV, or playing with toys. There are people who have light or dark skin, have freckles, or birthmarks. Canyon/Savanna students drew their family members and brought a picture of their hobbies and presented it to the class. I asked them if they would still be friends or play with their friends even if they are different and they said “YES, it’s ok!

今週のUOIレッスンでは、引き続き「We Are All Different」という本のメッセージについて探究しています。家族構成や趣味、肌のタイプが違っていてもいいんだよということを学びました。世の中にはママとパパと一緒に暮らしている子、パパ2人と一緒に暮らしている子、ママかパパ1人だけと一緒に暮らしている子、おじいちゃん・おばあちゃんだけと一緒に暮らしている子など様々な家族構成があります。釣り、スケートボード、絵を描くこと、楽器を演奏すること、自転車に乗ること、本を読むこと、テレビを見ること、おもちゃで遊ぶことが好きな人がいます。肌の色が明るい人、暗い人、そばかすがある人、あざがある人などがいます。 Canyon/Savannaのみんなは、自分たちで描いた家族の絵と、お家から持ってきた自分の趣味の写真についてクラスで発表をしました。友達と違っていてもその子と友達になったり、一緒に遊んだりするかどうかをみんなに聞いてみると、「YES, it’s OK!」と元気に答えていました。(^^)/

We also read “The Rainbow Fish” story wherein the students were able to identify whether Rainbow Fish was caring or not to other fish in the ocean. At first Rainbow Fish didn’t share his beautiful shiny scale to the little blue fish, but at the end, even if he really loved his scales he became generous and shared his scales to other fish. He realised that sharing not only made others happy but himself too.


Canyon students had a good time playing at the park and taking a morning walk! We also noticed some of them who showed their care and empathy to their friends. One of them accidentally fell on the ground while running, and someone helped him to stand and asked “Are you ok?” It is also easier for them to take turns and share toys with one another. These are good signs that our boys and girls now have a good understanding of being caring.

今週も公園で遊んだり、朝の散歩を楽しみました。また、お友達への気遣いや思いやりの気持ちを伝える姿も見られました。走っている最中に誤って転んでしまった子がいたのですが、誰かがその子を立たせて “Are you ok? “と声をかけてくれました。また、順番を守ったり、おもちゃを分け合ったりすることもできるようになってきました!思いやりの気持ちを持つことがどんなことなのかを、よく理解しているようですね(^^♪

Summer is here! It is important to stay hydrated, so we always remind our students to drink plenty of water/tea. Our craft this week is one of the best sources of water-rich fruit during summer which is watermelon. They made a paper plate watermelon craft. They painted the paper plate red. Then, cut the green and black paper into strips. Next, add glue on the edge and the green paper on top. And the seeds are the black paper. They really loved this craft!


In math, the number of the week is 7. They did the Rainbow Number 7 worksheet that helps them to be more familiar with the shape of the number and also a good writing practice for them. They also had fun playing Number Bingo 1-10 which is a good game for recognizing numbers.

算数では、今週の数字は7です。 Rainbow Number 7のワークシートを使って、数字の形に親しみ、書く練習もしました。また、数字を認識するためのゲームであるNumber Bingo 1-10を楽しみました。

In phonics, the letter of the week is letter H as in hat, heart, house, hand, helicopter, and hammer. They colored the pictures of those words and searched for the letter H.

フォニックスでは、今週の文字は hat, heart, house, hand, helicopter, hammer のように H です。それらの単語の絵に色を塗り、Hの文字を探しました。

Gym class was also exciting and fun! This time we had Ms. Shino. Canyon students were given a ball and did amazing activities that they really enjoyed. Thank you so much, Ms. Shino!


That’s it! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Let’s be caring! (Canyon: June 14-18)