
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“The Diversity Of Children”

Hello Everyone,みなさん、こんにちは!

This week Aurora class has diversities of fun learning activities. Please enjoy reading.今週オーロラクラスでは、ダイバーシティーな活動を通して学びました。ブログをお楽しみください!

👉 Unit Of Inquiry

We watched another video entitled, Whoever We Are”. It’s a story which celebrates the differences between children everywhere. The story encourages children to realise that no matter what differences exist between people on the outside, inside they are just like them. After watching the video, the teachers showed different kinds of photos of children from around the world and we talked about the color of their eyes, hair, skin, and other things that are different from us. Then our littlest picked out one photo and talked in front of the class the things that make them different like, “We are different because her eyes are blue, my eyes are brown” or “We are different because his hair is curly, my hair is straight, etc. We also talked what make our school stuff different from our friends and how we are different from each other in terms of our height.

今週、 Whoever We Areというタイトルのビデオを鑑賞しました。世界中の子供達の違いをリスペクトしている内容です。外見がどんなに違って見えても、私たちの内面はみな一緒なんだよという事を ビデオから学びました。ビデオ鑑賞の後、世界の子どもたちの写真を見て、髪の色、目の色、肌の色など、自分と違うところを見つけ、一人ひとり発表しました。 発表するとき、We are different because her eyes are blue, my eyes are brown” や、“We are different because his hair is curly, my hair is straightなどのセンテンスを言い、プレゼンしました。 また、先生たちはクラスのお友達とどんなふうに違うのかも話しました。

👉 Gym 🏃

We started practicing the race for our sports festival. Everyone was very competent and was able to get to the finish line thrivingly. So proud of our littlest.


👉 Earthquake Drill

Thank you Ms. Hitoko for explaining to us what an earthquake drill is all about. As soon as we heard the bell in the hallway, we hid under the table and when it was safe for us to go outside, we evacuated quietly to the car park. Ms. Aiza further explained to us the things that we need to do when there’s an actual earthquake. She gave us three important points; Drop, Cover, and Hold on. Thank you, Ms. Aiza for leading the earthquake drill.

地震の避難訓練が行われました。廊下からベルが聞こえると、テーブルの下に潜り込み、みな頭を守りながら建物内から避難をしました。駐車場に全クラスが集まり、MsAizaにより、更なる注意点について復習をしました。 Drop, Cover, そして Hold on が3つのキーワードです。Aiza先生、ありがとうございました!

👉 Park

Every time we go to the park, it brings new things to see and discover. While we play, we gain a sense of accomplishment from challenges encountered outdoors, which can lead to greater self-confidence and self-worth.


👉 Music Class

Castanets are a tiny but mighty percussion instrument! Playing with castanets has many benefits for our littlest. It helps develop their musical awakening as well as their motor skills.
We had a very meaningful Music class this week using this instrument. Our Music teacher got delighted the way we played the castanets because we were able to master keeping the right beat.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone.良い週末をお過ごしください。

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