
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Our favourite Transport(Meadow-June 7-11)

子供達が好きな交通機関 Meadowクラス 6月7日から11日より

Hello everyone,


Every day is a new beginning for the Meadow class. Every morning when our little learners enter the room, we can hear “Good Morning!” greeted their teachers and friends. Doing the same routine every day, encourage them to remember and have confidence in what they do.

Meadowクラスの子供達にとって毎日が新しいことの始まりです。子供達が教室に入る時毎朝、先生やお友達に”Good Morning!”と挨拶しています。毎日同じ朝の支度をしますが、子供達にすることを覚えるように声をかけ、またそれを行うことで自信を持てるよう見守っています。

As we go along with this month’s topic about “Transportation”, we are learning about the song “The Wheels on the bus”. Our little learners enjoy the song and before the music plays they get themselves ready for driving position. We asked each student to select the transport flashcards they like, and practiced saying ” I like…… cars! in front of the class. One more thing they enjoyed was making a “School bus craft”. We prepared paper plates for them to paint. They chose the color they like and painted it. Amazing! They were able to hold and use the brush well! We also prepared different shapes of black colored papers for windows and tires. They copied the teacher saying the shapes before sticking them in their appropriate places. They enjoyed it and had fun while learning.

今月の学びのテーマは「交通機関」について進めています。”The Wheels on the bus”の歌を習っています。子供達は歌うのを楽しんで曲が流れる前に運転する態勢で準備しています。子供達それぞれに好きな乗り物のカードを選ぶように言い、みんなの前に出てきて”I like…cars!”のように言う練習をしました。子供達が楽しんだもう一つの活動は”School bus 工作”です。紙皿を用意し、子供達が色を付けました。子供達が好きな色を選び筆で色を塗りました。とても素晴らしく出来上がりました!筆を持ち上手に使うことが出来ています。窓やタイヤを型に切った異なる形の 黒い画用紙をも用意しました。子供達はバスの窓がある場所にその紙を貼る前に先生が言う形の名前を真似して言ってみました。工作を行っている間、みんな楽しんでいました。

“Fun Under the Sun”


The sky was clear and the cool wind blows in the morning. It was a very good day for us to go with the class to the park. Our little ones had so much fun slid down the slides, raced with friends, and some friends found some sticks and wrote “Anpanman” on the ground. Some of them were interested in flowers and grasses, they picked up fallen flowers, and showed them to the teacher while saying their colors. They stopped what they were doing when they saw trains passing by. Being outside feels good! Children are free to explore and move about. Outdoor play fosters children’s intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development.


Satety walking


Our little ones love walking outside the campus. We always check for safety when crossing the road and when cars come. We make it a habit for our little ones to put their hands up when crossing the road and walk at the side and stop when cars come. They were able to use their watchful eyes and hearing ears. They did well!


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Our favourite Transport(Meadow-June 7-11)