
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Presenting The Things We Like” Aurora



We would love to once again welcome you on our weekly blog.


This week, Aurora class has another week of stimulating learning activities. Have a good read of our blog.


✅ Unit of Inquiry

For our UOI, we continued working on our line of inquiry number 2, “The things we like may be different from our friends”. This week, we talked about the foods we like (fruit, vegetable and dessert) and the stuff we like playing in the classroom. We kicked off our lesson by singing, “Do you like broccoli ice cream” song which we are enamored of singing. Then we arrayed the flash cards for us to choose from. After picking out the fruit, vegetable, and dessert we like, we colored them and stuck them together on the paper. And for the toys we like playing, we set up the play area in the classroom such as blocks, kitchen stuff, dressing up costumes, stuffed toys, and baby stuff, and we asked them to go to the area they like playing at. And to recap our lesson for our second line of inquiry, we presented the things we like in twos and then we compared whether we have the same or different choices of things we like from our peers. The presentation was successful and was one of our best activities this week. We were confident telling in front of the class the things we like. Hurrah!

今週も引き続き2番目のUOIとなります“The things we like may be different from our friends”について学びを進めました。私達が好きな食べ物、特に果物野菜、そしてデザートについてフォーカスし、またクラス内ではどんな事、物で遊ぶのが好きなのかを見つけました。毎回UOIのレッスン前には“Do you like broccoli ice cream” の歌を歌い、歌に合うフラッシュカードの中から自分が1番好きな野菜や果物やデザートをひとつずつ選びました。自分の好きな食べ物の色塗りをし、一枚の紙に糊を使い丁寧に貼り付けました。また好きなオモチャについては、クラス内にブロック、ぬいぐるみ、キッチン、コスチューム、ベイビー、のセクションを準備し、子供達は自分が一番好きな場所に行き、その様子を写真に撮りました。その後、子供達は自分の好きなものについて発表をしました。ペアになりプレゼンを行い、2人の好きなものを比較し、same/differentの復習も行いました。プレゼンはとても上手くいき、今週のベストアクティビティとなりました。

✅ Phonics

We learned the phonics E /e/ for elephant 🐘, envelope ✉️, egg 🥚, engine, and ear 👂. We reviewed it everyday during our morning routine before going to the bathroom.

今週のフォニックスはEeです。elephant 🐘, envelope ✉️, egg 🥚, engine, ear 👂の5つ単語を学び、毎日朝の会で確認をしました。

✅ Outside Play

Hey, Let’s go! Hey, Let’s go! I’m happy as can be. Let’s go walk 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ with you and me. Ready set common let’s go. That’s our favorite song while walking to the park. We had so much fun exploring and playing in the park together.


✅ Our Learner Profile: Communicators and Caring

More and more students are speaking in English in class. Every time we speak English, our phrases/sentences like, I don’t like bananas, Can I have some tape, please?, etc. are being written down on a sticky note and we stuck them on the communicators corner with our photos. Keep it up, Aurora class.
One of our littlest got spotted while playing with a Caring attitude. She was sharing the blocks she played with her friends. She was recognized in class for doing such and her friends acknowledged her kind action. Kudos 👏👏👏.

毎日、少しずつ英語を話す子が増えています。子供達が話した英語はポストイットに書き留め、クラスの壁に貼っています。また今週は1人のクラスメイトが、nice sharingを沢山してくれました。お友達にブロックをshareしてくれ、仲良く遊んでくれました。クラス全員がそのお友達の優しい行動に納得しました。

We hope you enjoy reading our blog. Check for more next week.今週のブログも楽しんでいただけていると嬉しいです。来週のブログも楽しみにお待ちください。

Have a fantastic weekend everyone 😊.良い週末をお過ごしください。

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