
Shimauchi Preschool


Innovation explode! RF 4/26

Children are getting creative with the toys we have recently received, it is amazing to see what they can come up with! There is no limit to their innovations!


Figuring out how to make those squiggly strokes is not an easy thing. Children all listened carefully as Ms. Aiko explained how to write the Hiragana. They all had a go, and some commented in Japanese, “this is so hard!”, while some shouted, “no, it is super easy! I practiced at home!” Whether they are an expert in Hiragana or not, they all tried their best!

ひらがなの授業では、Ms.Aikoが書き方を説明している間、みんな注意深く耳を傾けていました。 「これ難しい!」と言う子もいれば、「こんなのとても簡単!家で練習したもん!」と叫ぶ子もいました。 すでにひらがなを書ける子もそうでない子も、みんな頑張って取り組んでいました!

During UOI this week, we have been learning about the food pyramid and what healthy eating habits are. Children learned the 5 categories of food groups and they all helped sorting pictures of the various food into the 5 food groups. They also drew pictures of their favorite food and the children all had a chance to share their finish products.

今週のUOIでは、食品ピラミッドと健康的な食生活について学びました。 5つのカテゴリーの食品グループについて学び、さまざまな食品の写真を各グループに分類するのを手伝いました。 自分の好きな食べ物の絵を描いて、何を描いたかみんなで共有しました。

During the phonic lesson children have been studying closely with each other’s names, and in this week’s lesson they used the different mediums to write their names. They all had so much fun with it.


We hope everyone enjoys their Golden Week spring break, be safe and see you all in a week!


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